Chapter Four

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"What the HELL are we doing here." I said aggressively as we are waiting outside the train station for Gary to turn up.

"I think we are all thinking the same thing." Oliver said

"Where the fuck is he anyways!" I said anger flowing its way through me

"I see that anger management course didn't do you any good." Steven smirked jokingly.

"Shut up Steven!"

It was silent

Peter spoke up "maybe he had an accident- sorry Andy"

"No its ok, maybe Gary having an accident will be the best out come for all of us" Andy replyed

"Hey! Thats mean." I butted in

"Its not like we want to be here. Anyway Eve what happened to you and Gary"

"I don't like to talk about it" sadness in my voice.

All of a sudden a run down black car palled up, blaring music was heard.

Gary steped out

"Ahahhaha o yes, look at these c*nts" Gary laughed.

"Your late" Andy pointed

"No im not" taking Andys bag and putting it in the boot.

"Yes you are you said 3 its now 4." I backed up andy

"Yeah 3 to 4" while taking my bag.

"You know your problem Gary your never wrong."

"How is that a problem."

"This looks exactly like the car I sold you in 1989." Peter spoke braking the argument.

"It is the car you sold me 1989 best 300 quid I ever spent." He closed the boot

"This is the beast." We were all surprised.

"Yeah, had a bit of work done but perfectly fine"

"You can almost say an antique." Oliver said

"Well lets get this antique on the road show."

We all look at him like 'what the fuck'.

"Come on you belends were gonna be late."

They all got in.

"Gary. Where am I going to sit."

"Umm on my lap-"

"Umm no"

"Why not"

"I will just squeeze in the back." I said getting in the back.

"Lets do this!!!"

We saw a service station.

"Is anyone hungry!"

"No" everyone replyed

" I need a piss actually" he pulled in front of a lorry and we stoped at the service station.

Steven looked at his watch. "This is a long piss."

"It could be a" Oliver mimed snorting some drugs.

"A poo" Peter guessed

"How is that a poo." Oliver said

"I will leave you boys to have a manly confiscation, im going to get Gary."

I walked into the arcade area.

"Oi Gary!" I shouted

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He smacks the game screen.

I stormed over to him and grabed his arm to turn him around.

"Gary, we got to go."

"What! No let me just finish this."
"I said now" with a death glare.

"Alright, only because I love you" he smiled.

"You stopped loving me when you left me four years ago." I remark.

"I didn't, I didn't want to hurt you."

"Gary, you hurt me when you left me saying you didn't love me anymore. Thats what hurt me the most." Tears in my eyes.

"Look theirs something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time, I tried calling you every night but when I pick up the phone I just couldn't. Eva, I went to rehab." He says honestly moving closer to me.

Im silent for a moment then I wrap my arms around his waste and hug him tightly, he hugs back and we stay like this for a while.

"Come on lets go." Gary said braking the hug.

"But what if you turn out like that again."

"I won't don't worry."

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