[13] - meet up

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[13] - meet up

don't you love hanging with your friends?


justin. at the age of 18, justin had been in his last year of high school, and found himself in some type of relationship with a girl. he didn't know how her got into the relationship, but she called him baby and kissed him every chance she got.

justin didn't know what to do, seeing as this pretty girl was on his arm. he was happy to be seen, but in the end, she'd only need out to hurt him. . .
: :

justin stared into the abyss he called his closet. clothes were scattered throughout the small room in the corner of the bedroom. shoes adorned the floor, which he could not see.

he was getting ready to meet season at the movies, and he was now searching for a decent outfit to wear. usually, justin didn't care what he put on, seeing that he had no one to impress. but, now, he had been stressing over what to wear.

he had finally had a taste of what girls felt like when they got ready for a date. put on this hoodie or that shirt?

he huffed to himself, reaching into the small addition of his bedroom, and pulled out a grey hoodie to pull over the long shirt he wore. he had already put on a pair of black jeans and black vans were on his feet.

after he finalized his outfit, justin moved on to the top of his head. the heap of hair he never styled.

justin stared into the mirror that was placed above his dresser. his hazel eyes, that were usually dark and cold, were bright with excitement and happiness. a small hint of a smile crept onto his face as he remembered his conversation with season.

she actually wanted to meet up with justin. she actually wanted to see him again, even though he hadn't spoken one word to her.

maybe his mother was right. . .there was a purpose for justin on this earth?

justin reaches up and slowly runs his fingers through his platinum hair with a silent sigh. he'd probably just put on a cap and call it a day.

and that's exactly what he did. he quickly slid his hair back and placed the grey cap onto his head. it almost hid his eyes from sight. well, if season turned out to be like all the others no one would see the pain that would arise. . .

he gave himself one last look over before leaving his bedroom, that hid justin from the world and all the problems that surfaced. he'd stuffed his phone into his pocket on the way downstairs, where he was met with his mother.

pattie watched justin walk down the staircase from her seat on the living room couch. "well, hello there handsome," pattie beamed at her son, as he stopped once he reached the downstairs level.

justin gave his mother a smile when he'd heard the comment she'd spoken to him. he'd love when she'd simply just comment about him in good ways, like she just did. he'd appreciate her complements, because he rarely ever heard them from anyone else.

justin waited as pattie got up from her comfortable spot on the couch to approach her son. she did the same thing every time he'd leave the nest to try and fly.

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