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    You and Sam have best friends since you guys started school then a few years later Colby became yours and Sam's best friend.You had crush on Sam since 5th grade

You were walking down the hallway to get to class when a jock came and hit you on the butt. Sam came up to the jock and asked "Why did you touch her like that" The jock said "because she's so sexy" Sam said "Get the hell out of here before I hurt you badly you'll regret it " The jock said " like you would hurt me" Then Sam threw a punch to his jaw knocking down the jock . The jock punched Sam a few times you and Colby try to pull of Sam. When Sam made it to nurses the nurse wasn't there so cleaned Sams cuts and tended to his bruises. You took Sam home and waited for his parents to come back.

While waiting sam decided to put in a movie. He sat down and put his arm around you.It was a horror movie. you really didn't mind horror but this one started to scare you . you jumped and Sam caught you and warped his arm tighter on you. You looked up at Sam's blue eyes and couldn't stop looking at his blue eyes. Then you started to lean in. Your lips brushed his and then your lips connect. He kisses back. You felt fireworks it felt amazing. Then you pulled away and blushed you say " sorry I couldn't help myself" He said "it's ok I have been wanting to do that for awhile it was so hard to ask you because I didn't want to mess up our friendship I really like you Y/N will you be my girlfriend you said "Yes I have like you since 5th grade i couldn't stop thinking about you"
you stoped rambling when Sam kissed you again and it was passionate. Then you got tired and went to bed. Sam's parents didn't come home till later in the week .

You got cold and started to shiver Sam pulled into his chest and you started to warm up.You woke up from a nightmare you screamed Sam pulled you in a tight hug and said"it's going to be okay I'm here shhhhh" you started to calmed down. Then you got tired and fell asleep.

How did I do if you want me to make you one I will you need to. Sorry it's was short

Your name

Sam or Colby

What you want

And where

It can be anything you want

I will try my best

Onward and Upward
                 -Sam and Colby

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