Be Creative

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To many people , a genius is the maths freak; the one who has all these mathematical problems at their finger tips. However, there are many types of geniuses in this world. There's the linguistics genius , musical genius , social communications genius , physical genius, and many other types.  To put it brief , geniuses are the gifted people, the ones who are GREAT at something.

So those excellent languages learners , those who communicate so easily with people and understand them in no time , and those who are great at sports all are geniuses!

Anyhow, upon putting the most famous type of genius - the mathematically gifted- under the spotlights, we figure out that people get to fantasise this whole thing about the maths geniuses. They see them as the Einsteins of this generation. Many parents would love to see their kid a maths genius. Many nerds would love to be like that - they kind of are but you get my point , they want to be Einstein.

Well , let me tell you all something. Einstein, himself , had dyscalculia. It's a maths disorder. He couldn't comprehend arithmetics. He used to get the logical part of the idea and had someone to help him in its maths part.

What i'm trying to convey is that maths is a systematic thing. The minds that really can make a change are the creative ones; the ones who can think out of the box and find solutions for today's problems.

Thus, the world's attention should be on enhancing creativity in children's minds. We should stop judging kids depending on their grades. We should stop calling students who fail stupid or dimwits because those who fail at maths may be the next great thing to this world. So we should incite students to think differently.

Schools should not lock us inside a box we spend our whole existence struggling to think out of it. Schools should give us an opportunity to discover the world and generate new ideas.

Don't get me wrong though. I respect all maths geniuses, they are amazing and great thinkers. I'm just against labelling who is not good at maths "a failure".

Be unique. Think differently. It's okay if you're not good at maths. Get new ideas and captivate the world's eyes on you because creativity outweighs intelligence.

It's how distinctive we think that makes us who we are.

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