Kissing in Cars ~ Pierce the Veil

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As we wake up in your room, your face is the first thing I see. People think they look worse in the morning but as I look at you sleeping you are so beautiful to me. Contentment, peace and innocence cover your impeccable features; I have never seen someone looking so breath taking. I doubt I'd ever get used to waking up to you.

Being with you has shown me love and you're love is the last I'll ever need. Some say we're too young and naïve to know real love but when it comes to us there's no such thing as too young.

A sudden urge flow over me to do something special and original for you as you're special and original (and more) to me but it's all been done before. Nothing I could do could ever compare to the amazing feat which is you but I'll keep on trying.

Although it's early a sudden compulsive need makes me have to be out with you. As much as it pains me to do so, I disturb you from your peaceful slumber. Your eyelashes flutter open as you attempt to prise you tired eyes open and it is the cutest scene I have ever seen, especially when you yawn your kitten like yawn.

Before either of us can change our minds, we rush outside and clamber into my car, ready to drive away. After driving for an hour or so, I park up and turn to look at you. A look of confusion etches itself onto your face and I find it so adorable that I have to kiss you.

So here we are, kissing in a car, with the world passing by and there's nowhere else I'd rather be than here with you. Life's uncertain but as long as I have you by my side and if you kiss me goodnight, I know everything will be alright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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