A murder mystery

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She wondered along the pavement clutching a small cream bag that matched her velvet dress.  She wore her chocolate brown hair lose and it hung down just below her shoulders.  She wore no jewellery but a single chain around her neck.   She was a devious, manipulative, scheming, bitter woman but she could trick most people into liking her.   Now she crossed the street making her way over to the nightclub where she would meet her best friend Nancy.  Nancy was just another person Sienna had wrapped around her finger.

“Sienna” Nancy greeted as she approached her.

Sienna smiled and kissed Nancy’s cheek, and then the other.

“Nancy, hi!” Sienna greeted.

Sienna’s smile dropped as Darren, Nancy’s husband approached.

“Oh and I brought Darren, I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, no of course not.  It’s just, I thought his was meant to be a girl’s night out?” Sienna questioned.

“Ahh well Darren fancied a night out so he thought he’d join us!”

Sienna nodded. 

“Right, well can I get either of you a drink?” Sienna asked.

“I’ll have a pint please” Darren responded.

“Can I have a coke please”

“Staying off the boos tonight Nance?”

“Yeah well I thought that I need a night off” Nancy spoke.

“Very well, well you two go and make yourselves comfortable and I’ll get the drinks in”

Unfortunately for Sienna she was completely and utterly in love with Darren.  She wanted to make him see that Nancy was a total nightmare and that he was better off without her.  It was her mission to make Darren fall in love with herself.

Sienna walked towards the bar.

“Hi there could I have two pints and a vodka coke”


A few doors down an old married couple by the names of Tony and Diane were bickering.  Diane had just discovered that Tony had been having an affair for months and she was absolutely fuming.   She ordered him to pack his bags and leave but he thought that she was in the wrong and he fought his corner.  The old pair could be heard from streets away and it just so happened that this night had been a rather silent one meaning anybody could hear the slightest noise.

“I want you to leave now!” Diane yelled.

“What no way, I think you’re forgetting that this is my house” Tony argued back.

“We’re married! Everything off yours is everything of mine!” Diane cried.

“I don’t care I was the one who owned this house before you even  met me, I was the one who paid for it and therefore I should be the one who lives here”

“I hate you!” Diane screamed.


“I’m leaving now!  There’s no way I’d want to stay here with a scumbag like you!”


In the apartment next door to Tony and Diane, a guy named Trevor lay in his bed, eyes open, wide awake! Trevor had a skin haircut, piercings that went all the way up his left ear and he was covered in tattoos.  He lay in his bed plotting a murder that him and his best mate Jake were planning.  Trevor had just been let out of prison and so now he was back and ready for action.

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