The Blonde Boy

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Three A.M.

It was three A.M. and Reyna still had not seen Thalia all day. It had started normal enough, she had gotten up, gotten dressed, and found a note pinned to the fridge saying that Thalia had gone out to get groceries. That was Thalia for, "We ran out of waffles," so Reyna just went out for lunch with her sister like she had planned.

Now it was Three A.M. and Reyna was prepared to ring the other girl's neck if she did not come home soon. She wasn't answering her phone, and she had only answered her texts with 'I ran into a friend, be back late,' which could mean anything from, she had found a stray dog, or she had been kidnapped. 

Three A.M.

It's Three-forty-five when she finally gets home, and she's not alone. She's laughing with a 6ft tall, blonde, blue eyed, man with a scar down the side of his face.

"Thalia Grace, where on earth have you been!" are Reyna's first words upon Thalia entering the door. Thalia, has to catch her breath from laughing before answering.

"Hey Reyna! Sorry, we got distracted by the pond, then we decided to go see a movie, then a movie led to a dinner, which led to a street performer. Time got away from us," she summed up and Reyna just face palmed.

"You do realize that this is the second time this month," she grumbled and Thalia shrugs before gesturing to her friend.

"Sorry, I'll pay you back later. This is my Boyfriend, Luke. Luke, this is my roommate and best friend since 7th grade, Reyna." She introduced the blonde man. Luke smiled at Reyna, but something hot instantly boiled in the pit of Reyna's stomach at the sight of this boy with, Thalia. Her Thalia.

"Wait, boyfriend, what?!" she said and stared at Thalia with a questioning look. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"What? I can get a boyfriend! It's not like I haven't had them before," she muttered and Reyna just stared at her.

"Thalia, you've never dated a person before in your life. Literally any guy that asked you out in high-school, you judo flipped," she said and Luke rose an eyebrow at his girlfriend, who only offered a sheepish smile, "so me being surprised about having a boyfriend is a bit acceptable."

"Okay, fine, you have a point. But it's still perfectly likely I could get one if I wanted," Thalia defended. Reyna rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, so how long have you two been dating? Twelve hours?" she asked teasingly and finally, Mr. Scar spoke.

"Two weeks actually," he muttered and Reyna tripped over mid air, going sprawling on the floor, and immediately bouncing back up.

"What?!" she yelled and Thalia winced.

"I know, I know, I know, I didn't tell you, but I was just nervous. Taking Luke home to meet you is a bit like taking him home to meet my parents. It's, just awkward," she muttered, but Reyna was still spluttering for words. The world seemed to be spinning around her. For two weeks Thalia had been dating this, this blonde golden boy?! WHAT THE HECK?!??!?! This was really out of character for Thalia. She NEVER looked at guys. She NEVER even got close enough to one, unless her cousins and brother counted, to hear their voices. How the hell did this one become her boyfriend. More importantly, what did he have that she didn't?!?!

A penis. Well, besides that. He's male. Okay, point taken. Reyna had no shot now, and she'd have to deal with blondey a lot more often now that he'd been introduced. Reyna just took a deep breath to calm herself, before face palming.

"I'm going to bed, it's almost 4 AM. If I hear any kind on noises coming from your room I'm coming in there and chopping off your boyfriend's manhood, goodnight," she grumbled and walked down the hall to her room. Thalia's face was bright red and Luke looked slightly scared.

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