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Hey guys, I haven't written anything in a while and I've just been having this awful writing block for months now, but I'm working on it and hopefully once school ends I'll be able to get back into the swing of things, in the meantime here's an old drabble I started way back after I wrote the last chapter. It's been a while, but I honestly don't think I can do anything else with it and I don't want to just scrap it, so just take it as the end of Act 2, beginning of the final act of this mess. Thanks for sticking with me! - Milo

Getting 'Be Anything' off the ground was a lot easier than Leo thought it would be.

Really, he had been kidding when he said they had it in the bag, he knew that getting into the music world would be a lot harder than he'd suggested. However, Hazel's dad was apparently loaded and owned a record company.

So that happened fast.

All it took was a couple phone calls and a half-assed demo they made during an all-nighter they were supposed to be studying and boom, they had a record deal and were supposed to be working on an album.

Except they had one big problem.

Surprisingly enough it wasn't Leo's weird feelings regarding their violin player ("Frank, do we really need a violin in a pop-punk band?" "I'm classically trained!"), but instead, it was one thing in particular.

Jason's fucking girlfriend.

Drew Tanaka, fashion model to be, and queen bitch of the universe. In Leo's opinion, the lady put Jason's mom on a run for her money when it came to being a fucking Bitch.

That was with the alcoholism taken into account.

Drew was, in the nicest way possible, a narcissistic, psychopathic, megalomaniac, with a clinging problem and bad breath.

To be perfectly honest, Leo had no idea how they ended up dating in the first place.

Drew had just kinda claimed Jason when they showed up to school, and while that was hardly the weirdest thing to happen in Leo's life, it was weirder that Jason let her keep hanging around. Maybe originally it was because he was too nice of a guy to just tell her off, but in more recent weeks Leo was beginning to suspect it had something to do with his sister.

Leo had never actually met Thalia, just heard stories from Jason. Stories that ranged from talking about her like she was the real-life equivalent of Superman, to calling her the embodiment of Satan himself.

Leo never really knew which ones he was supposed to take seriously.

In recent weeks it'd been more of the latter he'd heard, but when Jason was alone he recognized that look of guilt on his features, the way he'd stare at his new phone, watching his news feed whenever a new story about the 'troubled singer' would come on. He'd watch as Jason would burn tabloid magazines on their deck and pretend that he was still sleeping at night.

If the noises coming from Jason's room were anything to go by he had a good idea why Drew was sticking around.

Jason was hurting, and he was taking it out on the only person he could, his girlfriend. He drowned himself in meaningless kisses on Drew's face and sex that Leo knew for a fact one person was enjoying far more than the other.

He might even feel bad for Drew if he didn't know she was getting it from more than just his blonde roommate.

Of course, Jason didn't seem to care and the more they tried to get together to work on the album, the more Jason would disappear off with his girlfriend at obscene hours of the night to relieve some stress. It was grating on Leo's nerves. To be perfectly honest, he had an idea as to why he didn't like it, but he wasn't going to be acknowledging that idea for at least another week, and not while he was sober.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2018 ⏰

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