Chapter 5

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As they both woke up, they knew today was going to end up in a lot of pain and crying. Italy say down with Germany and Romano and Spain together so Italy can explain himself. "..alright, this all started when I just became a chibi" Italy said looking at them with his eyes open
"Flash back baby"
When Romano and me became chibies and were found out by grandpa Rome. He taught me and Romano how to survive and do stuff, then without warning his empire died and so did he. Soon me and him were forced to seperate, Spain got the good brother since he knew how to trade, build, marking, and government, I'm only good at art, some building, food and some trade so I got stuck with austria. Since e thought I was a girl I was forced to act and dressed like one though miss Hungary didn't mind, though I was sad I had to Learn German and English to which was hard because I was forced to not eat pasta, speak Italian, see romano, or even see Italy. So if he saw me not working, studying, or crying I would be punished. Soon I became emotionless  until a new kid came, his name was holy rome and a kid like me though a bit scary. We became friends and he helped me a lot but one day he had to go to war, I couldn't go so I gave him my broom and he gave me a kiss saying he loved me since the 900's. Then my first love and kiss never came back. Once I gain my independence I was kicked out from Austria's and force to Italy. I hid a lot of my scars but no one noticed because they thought I was just a stupid kid who knew nothing. Every day I was bullied by the others, eve. Hungary when she got really mad. Even Romano and Spain didn't help.. An when I thought It couldn't get worse Japan and Germany forced it more. I hid my scars, I hid my pills, I hid everything even the truth for Italy.  I'm the one who is leaving..then Romano got sick and tired of the pain I forced him an made us 2 countries. I get his daily beatens for payment, I never could sleep with the scars hurting and the nightmares so i go to Germany's or cuddle with someone or thing. I have a lot of trust issues and scars, and for me acting the way I do I overdoes on my anti-depressants an my monophobia. The side effects were, air head, bi-polar, loose of weight, and makes one very tired. I hide them from Roma because I knew he would take them. All the food I eat, down a toilet. All the smiles, the pills.

Everyone stood in awe as they saw the small Italian about to cry, they were all on the verge of tears, Romano quickly hugged his brother with Spain behind him, then Germany. They saw how bad he was underweight and his scars so they patch him up, took his pills, and forced him to eat. Soon they took every pill, poison, weapon/sharp stuff so Italy is safe. And they all cuddled up together asleep.

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