Chapter 18

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I am back from camping! Get ready for more updates!)

Italy quickly got dressed and sneak up behind Germany and hug tackled him. "I-Italy! Vou scared me. Go eat we're about to leave" Germany softly scold/told after he kissed Italy's forehead. After Italy ate all of his breakfast Germany patted Italy's head and went to the meeting hall. "Ah, Romano!" Italy went over and slightly 1 sided hug him. "Alright Italy, Romano and Prussia are helping vou, there isn't vany micros only sealand is vere. Germany said to which Italy nodded and left with his brother and Germany's brother. Germany walked to the meeting. "Alright, so how many people are here.?" Germany asked.
Face family? All here
Btt: all here
The nords 5? Only Tino here 
So we're missing: 4 nords, Austria, Hungary, Romania, a lot of old British countries.
Only: face family, spain, China, japan, finland, Italians, Germany and Prussia, sealand.
That made Germany twitch, how could so many countries be gone and no one has any idea how. "Alright, pack all your things, were all staying here since this is the largest place where we'll be safe. Come back tomorrow with your stuff. Now if you need more let someone know and we will come with vou, no one is to ve alone" Germany sternly said to all nodded and got up in groups and left to there places to pack. With the Italians Italy has been trying to keep himself busy from trying to cut, to which he has been playing with sealand, but because god has no savior for him he left to use the bathroom and as soon as he went he locked the door after using bathroom and after he saw a razor laying on the counter teasing him. He tried so hard but just bit his lip and left it." Hey Romano, there's a razor in the bathroom" italy whispered to Romano to which he quickly ran to the bathroom to dispose of it, Romano smiled the razor was dry and no sent of blood around. A few hours later Prussia left to see if the meeting is over but soon Romano and Italy herd a scream. They grabbed peter(sealand) and went to see who screamed, but to the next time they saw... It was Prussia disappearing along with Germany mouthing.. "Take care of him, Italy I love you" to soon the Germany
Brothers disappears and soon Italy just gave out and cried were peter just watched not saying anything
With Tino quickly grabbing peter and hugging him. Romano was confused on how even Germany wasn't there, and Russia and Prussia.. How could they all disappear? He just looked at feli hoping he doesn't reverse what have been good progress after these last few months

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