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Garth POV:

The dance. All colorful and full of She-Wolfs. Masks covering their eyes and the rest of their faces. Then a pair of violet eyes found mine. The rest of her face hidden behind a white mask. I look at the rest of her.
The white gown,the flower pinning back her light blonde hair,her heels walking along the ground. She was my mate.
I started to walk towards her,but she backed up and moved away,leaving me. I tried to get closer until I saw a man take her away. He held onto her and grasped her arm as she tried to break free.
"Nooo," I said waking up in my bed sweating. I ran my hands through my hair. For weeks that dream has haunted me, and for weeks i havent been able to sleep.
I took a deep breath and laid down on my pillow and looked at the ceiling. I know,stupid to look at the ceiling, but surprisingly it calms me down a bit when I think of her.
I take deep breaths to calm my beating heart. I had turned 18 months ago,and I still couldnt find her. Especially at my school back then,it was to help me adjust and be ready to take over my fathers place as Alpha of the Red Moon pack.
When I camehome,though,everything seemed to change. Omegas and Alphas ignored each other. And lottle did I realize that my old school,they where separated.
I go back tomorrow and meet new people and new Alphas,male and female.
'Maybe she is one of them' Garfield,My wolf,said. I nodded my head. But I have seen a lot of Alphas, and she wasnt one of them. I sighed,maybe she is dead. Maybe im too late and she has already found another.

I smacked that out of my head. The more I think of this,the more i will regret it later.

"Where are you?" I whispered,then curled into a ball, and fell asleep. I feard of having the nightmare again,but instead, I got a tune. A She-Wolf howling. It was amazing and beautiful and it lulled me to sleep.


"Garth. Wake Up, you will be late for school,"I heard my dad say as I woke up. I couldnt get that voice out of my head. That beautiful howling. It was like the voice of an angel. I can just imagine how she sounds and sings. I want to see her badly.

'You will find her,"Garfield told me in the back of my head. I had hoped so last time. Maybe if I put too much hope it would never happen,but I was dissapointed every time i try.

I ran a hand through my hair and put on some jeans along with a black t-shirt and a plaid one over it. I messed up my hair just a bit and grabbed my converse,backpack and keys and here would be a day of being with more Alphas.

Driving there was a bit exhausting. Getting all those glares and looks from people. All those girls hoping they where mine,but only one was mine and I was determined to find her. No matter how long it took. I didnt realize how tight I was holding the steering wheel till i saw my white knuckles.

I relaxed as I pulled into the parking lot. As I stepped out I took in a big breath and relaxed. "Bye Lily,see you soon," I heard a familiar voice. I turn around and see my younger cousin,Penny.

She came running and looked at me like I was dead. "What happened to you?"She asked pulling her long brown hair into a pony tail. "I still havent found her,Pen. I have been having these nightmares and I was so close to finding her and seeing her,but then at the last second,somebody beats me to her. I dont know what to do,"I told her sitting on the side of my car.

She sat next to me,her eyes looking at me. Then a bell rang, " You should get to class," she said pointing to my school.

I looked at her like she was crazy. She just watched me with those big blue eyes. Then it must have popped in her head.

"Garth,you and I go to different schools. All upper wolfs go there. Omegas go somewhere else," She said pointing to another school. I looked over at it. It was compleatly different and bigger. Guess there are more Omegas then Alphas and other high ranking wolfs. She waved good bye,but shouted, "Things are different from when you left,"before running up the stairs to her doors.

I walked over to the doors and found lots of She-Wolfs looking at me. I just ignored them all. I was only looking for her,but they weren't her. None had violet eyes.

I reached my locker and dumped some stuff in it. I found a pair of Hazel eyes with a purple speck in them. I turned quickly and a girl looked at me and smiled.

"Im Kate. You must be Garth. I have your schedule..."The rest she said,I blocked out. I smelled an amazing smell. It was vanilla and strawberries. It smelled like heaven. But it was faint and coming from Kate.

I wasnt reacting,but she may know who my mate is. Well sorta. Alphas know a lot of girls. So she may know who mine is,but it may take a while to find out. I glanced out the window to see the school where Penny is. It looked a bit nicer on the outside.

"You ok?"She asked. I turned and saw her looking at me. "Yeah,i'm fine,"I told her as we walked to my first class.

Mine,But Broken.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat