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I walked along a path,that was within the woods. Its been a while since i have been here. But i remember it like it was scetched into my brain. I remember coming down here with mom.

Her red hair,pulled back into a pony tail,her eyes as green as I remember. I look a lot more like my mother then my father,but he was proud that i turned out just like he had imagined his first kid would. Healthy, happy,handsome, and looking a lot like his beautiful mate.

My mom was a woman that many men wanted. But she was tough to crack,in a manner of speaking. She wanted a man to really love her,which is why she didnt go on a whole lot of dates growing up. Until she found my dad.

She pretended like she ddint love him for almost a month,just to see if he would ditch her or truly love her. Now my dad didnt really know what her game was,but he knew that if he didnt have his mate,he truly wouldnt live. So for a month he played her game and eventually she trusted that he would love her till the day she died.

They started off slow,at first. Then within 1 year of them meeting each other,they got married. Most wolves would say thats way to long,but my parents thought it was just right. However,turned out mom couldnt get pregnant,at first. She had something passed down through her family. She cried for days,weeks on end. Then dad just held her. They where thinking about adopting a pup,but turns out,she was pregnant with me. Of course i was the only kid,since something happened.

But she was happy. I had 7 long years to spend time with her. Till she got sick and passed away. Dad couldnt take it. His heart broke. He couldnt be an Alpha, he couldnt be anything. 5 months in and he was still upset. Until he found a note from mom. His eyes watered and he knew that he couldnt let his people down. So he took care of me till i was old enough to go to an alpha school not to far away. Mainly so that he could shape things up to when i got older and i was able to run the pack on my own.

An I have to say,he did a good job. I looked down at the path. My eyes watering. For those memories, for my mom,and for my mate. I messed up now,more then I ever had. I walked to the waterfall and sat down by the water,tears rolling down the sides of my face.

I had always imagined that my mate would relax and hold me,comfort me,wipe away my tears. But nope,I screwed that up as well.

By the time I got out of the cave,it was dark and my eyes didnt exactly adjust. I started to walk home,knowing dad would probably give me a lecture on why i cant go off into the woods at night.

As I stepped a long the path towards the back door,I noticed that someone was in the house. Of course I could see dad,but it was a girl. With tears rolling down her eyes,I had wondered if dad had started a relationship while i was away,and decided to break it off when I got back.

But it was no relationship, for as I walked through the door,all I could see was brown hair and hazel eyes. It was Kate. Her eyes red and her body shaking. To adults appeared out of the shadows,her parents I assumed. They all looked over at me. Kate came over and needed a hug. So I gave her a hug.

"Why sont we take this to the library,"Dad said. Her mother nodded her head. "Winston,can i talk with you for a sec,"dad asked. Her father nodded his head and stayed behind while I walked with Kate and her mother to the library.

After about 20 min,dad came in with Winston not to far behind. "Garth,you know Kate from school. This is her father,Winston. And her mother,Eve,"I nodded my head,and handed Eve a box of tissues. She smiled and used them right away.

"Please you need to find her,"Kate suddenly said. I looked towards her.

"Can you tell me what happened?"Dad asked. I listened in. "I want to hear about her entire day. Well,most of it,"he said. Kate nodded her head.

"It was just a normal day. I usually had to get her out of bed in the morning,she always did like to sleep in. She got dressed in her favorite outfit. Blue jeans with a white top and a green scarf..." I froze right there. That reminded me of the girl at school. I had to listen to more.

"We had breakfast,and then went to school and our seperate ways. Except I asked her to help me with my science project. It was alittle heavy,so I asked her to help me bring it into the school. She then ran off when she left the room," she stated.

"Is she an Omega?" Dad asked. Kate nodded her head. I leaned back in my chair. My heart was beating faster,an Omega knows and hangs with an Alpha?!

"I found her in the woods later that day after school. She said she found something and ran after it. But i didnt believe her. We came home and watched tv for a bit. She then left to do some homework in her room. When I heard something going on up there,I went to check on her. I opened her door,her room was trashed,there was small amounts of blood,and she was gone. I followed her scent to your boundary line and stopped. Thats when I called my parents and we came to you," I played what she said over and over in my head. Then I stopped at the part about her being in the woods. She was chased there, BY ME! This wolf that they where tLking about. She is my mate! Thats why Kate had her faint scent on her. They live in the same house.

Winston cradled Kate in his arms. "Eve and I got home as soon as we could. Please help us,Tony,"He begged. Dad nodded his head. "I will send men out and look for her. I will do everything I can Winston,"Dad said. They shook hands and then Kates family started to leave,but not before Kate gave me something. A box. "Its a good luck charm,more or less. To help your pack find my sister," she sadi then ran out the door and into her parents car.

I just looked out the window and down at the box.


Hello readers. Sorry for the late updates. I have been so busy and who knows what will come.

Anyway,so what do you think happened to the sister? Who took her? And whats with the box?

Read to find out!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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