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Garth POV:
The day had been long too long. Penny hadnt seen my house so i invited her over. She was really excited,and ran back to her locker to grab some stuff.

"There you are!"I heard a voice say behind my head. I turn to find Allison strutting her way over to me. I groan,just when I thought this day couldnt get any worse. "So where you want to go,tonight? Dinner,movie,a walk,maybe your room,"she said looking my way.

"No way,"i told her. But she never lost her grin. I took in a deep breath,and smelt vanilla and strawberries. 'Mate' Gar screamed in my head. I looked around and tried to avoid Allisons eyes,as much as possible,which was tricky.

Then i found a She-Wolf running away. Into the woods. It was her,but why was she running away?

'Lets see,maybe because you have a girl next to you who is trying to get you to take her home,' Gar screamed again.

Yeah that would do it. I ran after her and shifted into my reddish-brown wolf. I followed her scent until I got to a Waterfall. Then her scent was gone. I looked at the ground. I lost her. But will She ever take me back?

I hid behind a tree and looked over at where his wolf was. He was with her. Kinda obvious since he didnt push her away.

But not just that. He is an Alpha. AN ALPHA!!?? A lot of girls say he is the most handsomest Wolf they have ever seen. Course they are also the girls who are mateless right now. I watched as his wolf hung his head low and walked away defeated.

No way was I going to be rejected by him. He can hate me for the rest of my life for all I care. He isnt breaking this heart today or any other day.

Garth POV:
I shifted and placed my jeans and a shirt on. I looked at my car and saw Penny there waiting and tapping her foot.

"Where have you been? I have been waiting for 20 min,"She said looking over at me. I hung my head down. She got the signal and nodded her head as we drove to my house. My heart still hurt as the image of her running from me played over and over. It was a little hard to pay attention to the road. But for my cousins safety I needed to pay attention. Even if my mate was back there,hurt, and possible feeling betrayed.

As Penny looked out the window,I grasped the steering wheel for a bit. So hard that my knuckles turned white. As we got into my drive-way, Penny ran into the house to see dad. And most likely my aunt and uncle.

I just stayed put for a bit and looked into the woods by my house.Just imagining those eyes looking at me. Those big lavender eyes. I took in a deep breath and walked inside.

Penny gave Dad a big hug and sat in her seat. I tried to give a smile and walk over to where they were. My aunt looked over at me and must have noticed that something was wrong,for she tilted her head and gave me the mother look. With her it always worked since she was like my mother. She helped take care of me,when my mother was sick and dad as out on patrol with my uncle.

She always knew,always. She moved her head towards a hall way. "Excuse us," She said before grabbing my arm and pulling me along to the kitchen.

"So Garth, whats wrong? I have never seen you so upset in all the years I took care of you and watched you,"She said grabbing a glass of water.

"I saw her today. My mate. But she ran away,I think it was because of a girl that was by me. But the way she ran,I just...I..."I stopped. It brought tears to my eyes when i thought about what had happen just hours before.

She placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it a bit.

"Want to know something? That happened to me and your uncle,"she said.

I turned to her. She nodded her head. "It happened a while ago,but he was dating a She-Wolf at the time,who was one of the hottest in the school. She held onto him a lot. So when we found out we where mates, I ran away because i thought he loved her more then me and didnt want to be near me. But he changed his ways and we found each other,obviously. But that day,I learned that those She-Wolfs that think the have everything and go after powerful Alphas, are just girls who want to be #1. Who want to take over and act like nothing is wrong. Im sure that she will see it as a mistake if you find her in time for your ceremony,"She said and walked back out of the room.

I just stared in awe,never knowing that what happened today,happened to my aunt and uncle years before.

I decided to go on a walk,to my old hideout. My mom found it when we moved here. It was a place to unwind and just relax. And maybe clear my head of all that was going on.

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