Brainwash From a Young Age.

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This passage is from my personal experiences with religion; luckily I escaped at a young age and had flexible parents that could adapt to a more or less sudden change/lack in faith. My father is an atheist, but he never forced his ideals upon me, he kept quiet and had no problem with religion.
But, as his daughter, obviously I was going to become a stronger, militant, anti-religious atheist from a young age.
My mother blamed my father, being a woman of loose faith, she cherry picked and adapted her religion, Christianity, to suite her, typical, really...
She would not obey the rules or regulations of being a faith-based being, evident in the fact that she owned a vibrator. The majority of Christians tend to have loose faith and strong faith and anywhere in between over certain matters, and very few take the bible as absolute, literal truth.
When I was in primary school we were having a lesson on religion, the teacher sorted a few groups labelled as religions and we had to go and stand in one. First of all, how stupid! How dare they try and label young, impressionable six year olds, and there was no place for 'no faith' or 'N/A' this exercise was an awful and crude way to make children feel superior to their peers etc etc...
As the young, impressionable child I was, I didn't know what to chose, I didn't know what religion I was, so the teacher just placed me in The Christian category. Placing and labelling is all religion is, and brainwashing to not see other options, other truths in their own way.
I was very closed minded as my time as a Christian.
But it didn't take long before the nagging at the back of my head started.
'God isn't there.'
It said at first;
'He doesn't answer your prayers, he doesn't care."
And this voice got louder until I didn't believe God created the world, I beloved in the Big Bang, but I still thought God was in the world and existed. The I didn't believe in Adam and Eve, although I don't think I ever did, no matter how many Sunday schools and special Christian groups i went to, I don't think it ever sank in too much.
Then I just didn't believe in God.
A switch flicked.
I realised that the stories were crazy and impossible,
And now I have read parts of the bible I notice that there are horrific passages and awful scriptures.
If God were real, he lets thousands of people starve and die each day...
Think about what God you are worshipping,
Read your holy text,
Only lies have different versions...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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