Forever |Vikklan One-Shot|

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I still remember his blue eyes, full of tears. It broke my heart. I still have the feeling of his skin over mine, when he took my hands.
I heard his faltering voice as he said goodbye.

It had been a week, Lachlan had left me. We had been trying to be something more than friends for two weeks, two damn weeks that I'd rather forget, but the best weeks of my life, too. I didn't know the reasons why he left. Didn't he love me anymore? Did he ever feel that way? It hurts me to think he may have never felt something for me.

Currently I find myself living with Simon, he had been a great friend and a shoulder I could cry on, during days and nights, on which my nightmares became more frequent and my love for the australian vanished little by little. However, deep inside, I knew that I would never stop loving him. He was my everything. He was before I confessed my love to him, he was afterwards, but he isn't now. I already lost that piece of my heart that had his name written on it.

A letter had arrived at home, which Simon didn't let me read, he didn't even tell me who sent it. I suppose he has his reasons, but my curiosity is stronger than him...


3 AM was approaching, he had finally fallen asleep. Now I only had to find the letter.

Knowing that Simon isn't very good at hiding stuff, it wasn't hard to find.

In a corner of the letter, with small handwriting, there was an "I'm sorry" written down.

I slided that paper between my hands without opening it, while my heart beat faster and faster. I didn't need to read who this letter came from, I knew that calligraphy pretty well.

I looked at the letter once more, picturing Lachlan beside me, telling me he's sorry. That gave me the courage to open the letter, and I don't regret it...

"I guess you have already forgotten my name, that you have moved on with your life. Have you stopped making videos? Or do you just not want to remember anything that has to do with me? What I'm trying to say is, I have visited your channel, and since I bid you farewell, there hasn't been more content, I haven't been able to appreciate your face, Vik. If it is because of me, don't stop, I have stopped submitting videos, to see if you submitted any, but, as I assumed you don't even remember who I am, I didn't see much sense into it. This letter will probably arrive shortly after I send it, because I'm in Florida
You may be wondering what I'm doing in Florida. No, you're not wondering that. But, in case you do, I'm with Mitch and Jerome.

The point of this letter wasn't to narrate you my life, this has gotten a bit out of hand.

Before saying any other stupidity, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Lachlan Power, I come from Australia and I'm quite tall. You knew me almost better than any other of our friends, besides Preston, it was you I came to for anything I needed, but what I can assure you the most is that you knew my body better than anybody else, and you'll be the only one. I already apologized to you the day I left, but I will continue doing so for as long as it is necessary.

I have to explain you why I left you, right?

It's not simple, and I hope you can understand it. It wasn't my choice, I was just following orders. You may think this is stupid, that it's just an excuse; no, it isn't. You'd be overwhelmed to know how much I've cried, how much I've suffered. I have marks all over my torso and back, that you wouldn't like to see. Mitch and Jerome don't know anything about it, I try to act as if nothing was happening, I haven't let them see my marks, and I hold the pain every time they hit me on the back amiably.
I could get rid of that person who hurt me, but I hurt you, and that's something that hurts me more than all of my wounds. I miss you, Vik. I need you close to me. Now nothing should be able to prevent us from being together. You are the only one who can heal all of my wounds, I'll put alcohol on them, and you, love... Of course, if you're still willing to be by my side.

If you have already forgotten who I am, forget everything I wrote.
My name is Lachlan, nice to meet you. Would you mind if we saw each other in person? I really think I could risk it for you, you're an interesting guy, I could be with you forever..."

I had been staring at the note for an hour, a smile was drawn on my face, I couldn't lose him, I'll make that forever, a reality.

Thanks MisterSimple1, for being part of this!

Read, vote, comment, enjoy your lecture 💕 Have some love!

I'm working on a Merome and a Poofless One-Shot, so if you like the idea, comment!

Forever -Vikklan One Shot-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن