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Syvil above :D


The day was still young. Mist crawled across the open fields, the cold air stung her exposed skin. The sky was still dark with a little pink showing in the east. Ponds were half frozen, frost coated the once green grass. With every breath Syvil took, she could see. With every step she took, she heard the crunch of iced over ground.

Syvil left the comfort of her warm cottage and clung to her dark purple cloak, embracing every ounce of warmth that was provided. The walk to the horse stable seemed to take a lifetime, even though it was only a few minutes. The beaten path would soon be covered in snow, as the end of fall was approaching.

The kingdom of Ravelin was placed along the northern border of the continent. It was one of the most powerful kingdoms in the mortal world, and the coldest, literally and figuratively speaking. Spring felt like winter most of the time and summer felt like a normal spring. No one had time for farming due to the constant below freezing temperature, the kingdom depended on trade for certain goods, but Ravelin had the best hunting and militian standpoint.

King Terral ruled over the over-powered land, along side with his wife Queen Kaera. They were polar opposites. King Terral was a cruel middle-aged character, willing to do anything to get what he wants. Queen Kaera, on the other hand, was a kind woman that was actually grateful for what she received. They had a son that was about the same age as Syvil. His name was Valen Grimmith. Even thinking of him gave most of the citizens a chill. Valen was even worse than his father when it came to cruelty. Some say that he nearly killed a servant for not bringing him the right shoes. He abused his fiancé and everyone could tell. Adelpha would go to talk to him with no bruises and come back with hand prints around her neck and arms. The sad part was that he didn't try to hide it, and neither did she.

The black stallion was prancing around the stall, anticipating. Syvil came up to his face slowly before feeding him some hay. While the horse enjoyed his food, she went to clean off the saddle that had been collecting dust over night. She saved for months to get a somewhat decent saddle. Riding bareback was tiring. Her fingers traced the intricate design that circled around the edges before picking it up. Syvil wasn't weak but she was far from strong and carrying such a heavy object for a few feet already made her muscles strain. Just from lifting it onto the tall horse's back, she could tell that she was already getting sore. She took the bit and guided the stallion out of the family's stable. She struggled to mount the dang thing since it was so tall, even compared to her.

Due to taking the same route almost everyday, the horse already knew where to go. All she had to do was hold on tight and keep warm. As the horse began to run fast, Syvil's white long hair rippled behind her. Her nose and cheeks were a shade of pink, plus it felt like her chin was numb. Her thin fingers clutched the reins to stay on. She loved the wind, but not this time of the year. It made her eyes water and it made it seem like the temperature was ten below how it actual was. The horse didn't seem to mind though. She could practically feel the pleasure of running radiate off the horse.

It took about half an hour for her to get to town. The sun was along the horizon, itching to let it's rays touch every place possible.

Syvil loved it when she was in town. It was always full of life, unlike where she lived. The elders would be up trying to get the best breakfast before everyone else. They were always the kindest of all the people in this kingdom.

She hopped off her horse and started the walk to the royal stables. Yes, the royal stables. Syvil was the Royal Messenger, and she loved it. Everyday she had the chance to explore new territory when delivering messages to citizens or other kingdoms. If anyone of the royal house needed to get to someone, they would come to her. It made good pay for her family, and they needed it. Six people in one household tend to drink up money like they just got water after ride through the desert.

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