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Syvil's Brother (Conan) :3


Syvil could feel the horror slithering through her veins the moment those words escaped the king's mouth. His kingdom would crumble if there was one miss step. The fae would torture them, murder them, not caring if there was filthy mortal blood coating their hands. She could already sense the fear that was to come when she would deliver the message. Amusement shook the eyes of her king as her eyes widened, her hands started shaking slightly.

"What's the matter, messenger?" The queen called. Her voice was as smooth as silk. King Terral gave Syvil a look, as if to say If you say anything against my wishes, you will be forced to watch your whole family and everyone you love be beheaded.

"Uh-um. Nothing, your majesty." Her voice was shaky, full of unsureness.

"Great. You have the rest of today to get word sent out. I'm making a plan for you later that will involve you traveling a very long distance, and it will be for a couple months, at the least. I would start packing now. I do not have a departure date set, but it will be within the next couple days." He waited for a response, she only nodded slightly. "You're dismissed Syvil. I'll see you tomorrow morning, if you aren't torn apart by the civilians." Terral wore a sly grin as he saw her face grow even more pale than it was before.

Syvil bowed respectably before leaving the room in a hurry. Behind her, she could here the queen getting after her son about the need of an heir and how he needs to speed things up so he could claim the throne. The king kept silent. She could feel his stare on her back. It was burning. He could see the way she trembled once the words escaped. It amused him. This girl, she held herself high and confidently but once he told her, her whole facade disappeared. The power of words. There is nothing like it.

King Terral turned to his son and smiled wickedly.

"What is it, father?" Valen's voice boomed. The smile he was trying to bite back told him that he knew why his father said what he did.

The king's laughter echoed throughout the room as he threw his head back. "Oh, the little cowardly people! We can scare them so easily, like squirrels."

The queen frowned at her husband. She never understood why they tormented the poor girl, or any of the citizens for that matter. They were the people who kept the god damned kingdom going, and Terral couldn't seem to get that through his thick, yet beautiful, head. She didn't agree with the way he treated anyone that wasn't royal, but she had to play the part of a loving queen. She was forced into this marriage as an alliance, but she couldn't take it anymore. The queen hating acting like a total bitch. These people need some respect. The king hadn't given them any. She stood abruptly.

"Kaera, my darling, what's the matter?" Her husband asked. She turned to him, cold in the eyes.

"Terral, you sure as hell know why. You knew I wouldn't agree to this-"

"I make the decisions around here, darling. You can put in your opinion but I will never take it into consideration. You're a woman. I'm the king. Do you see the difference?" His humorous mood was long gone and was taken over by a cold aura. It didn't scare her one bit. She walked up to him. All he did was glare. She bend down to meet his eyes.

"I see no difference. Women have the same capabilities as men, though I think I'm more logical than thick-headed king who seems unable to get his head out of his ass!" Rage continued to slither through her veins giving her poisonous thoughts. "You are making a huge mistake, perhaps killing you and your own kingdom, and I won't be here to watch."

Terral got up fast. They were extremely close, her ragged breathing hitting his tunic. Kaera didn't stand down.

"What are you saying?" His voice low, eyes fierce.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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