Chapter 2

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6:00 o'clock A.M.
My alarm went off and I rolled over and turned it off. I got up and showered. I checked my phone to see who called me last night. It was an unknown number. I got dressed, and grabbed my bag and keys then headed out the door. I locked my apartment and headed out to my car. I got in and drove to school. Fairfield High is a school just like any other. I pulled into the parking lot. I parked in my assigned spot and headed in. I went to my locker. My best friend Samantha came up to me.
"Hey bestie."
"Have you heard?"
"Heard what?"
"There's a new rich kid joining our class."
"Oh that's interesting."
Then the bell rang. We walked to class and I sat down in the back. Sam sat down to my right. Then the final bell rang. Our teacher Mr. Anderson was about to start class when Principle Harley came in followed by a boy.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I'd like to introduce a new student." She looked over at the boy.
I sat in my seat think to myself. He looks awfully familiar.
"Hello I'm Adrian."
We made eye contact and he smirked.
"There's a open seat next to Avalon."
Mr. Harley pointed to the open seat next to me.
"We meet again."
He smiled and looked at me.
I gave him a look of annoyance and then turned my attention to the teacher. The day went on as usual. Adrian was in a couple of the same classes as me. Finally lunch rolled around. I packed my lunch today so I sat down next to Sam since she always packs.
"You've met Adrian before?"
"Yeah on the subway."
"Looks like he likes you."
"Oh really?"
"Every class that the three of us have together. He's always staring at you."
"I wasn't staring. I was admiring her." Adrian says and takes a seat next to me.
"Avalon you doing anything this weekend?"
"No, I don't think so."
"Would you like to go see a movie with me?"
I sat there in shock.
"Uh sure."
"Wear something fancy."
He got up and went to sit with his friends. Sam was squealing.
"He just asked you out."
"I wouldn't jump to conclusions."
"What would you call that then?"
"Just wants to see a movie with me."
She laughed and I just sat there. The bell rang and we headed back to class. The day went on as usual. School finally ended and I packed my stuff up. Then I headed out to my car. I drove home The next day I went to the mall with some friends. I got a text around lunch time: pick you up at 6. -Adrian I finished shopping and said goodbye to my friends then headed home. Once I got home I got ready for the movie. I decided to wear one of my prom dresses and shoes. I curled my hair and pinned it up. I put on some make up and put on some jewelry. Then there was a knock on my door. I opened it to find Adrian wearing a tuxedo.
"You look nice."
"Thank you."
I grabbed my purse, phone and keys then we headed outside.
"Adrian where do you live?"
"I live in the penthouse on the top floor."
"I see."
We got outside and I see a limousine park out front.
"No way! We get to ride in a limo?"
"The perks of being rich."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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