nice to meet cha'

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"I guess this is the place", I asked myself. I quickly put my ear buds in my ear. I looked at the gate. I held it with a tight grip. I paused for a few seconds. Then finally left. "This place better be real, I said."

( one week earlier )
"Hey kumo, I heard you confessed to my girlfriend", said the school bully. He sent one fist flying at my face. I raised my hand. His fist slowed down. I moved to the side and headed to class. "Kumo", said omaru. "Hey wait up. What did your mom say about using your magic at school?" He grinned. "I keep forgetting your a stocker", I told omaru. "Aw don't be like that kumo", omaru said. We entered the class right when the bell rang. "Right on time I see ",said Mr kishimoto." Rise "he yelled. We all followed his commands. "Bow, take your seats. Well kids we have a new student today. Come on in." A girl walked in. She looked very young. Her eyes were glowing red. I stared at her eyes. Then suddenly I fell into what felt like a deep sleep. I saw many weird monsters. A shadow of a man in a tall hat was using magic to defeat these monsters. He was extraordinary. The way he used his magic to beat them. It looked almost more supernatural than my own magic. Then after all of that I woke up in the same pose from before I dozed off. The girl stood directly in front of me. Her face close enough to touch noses. Her eyes were now blue. I then asked, "how'd you do that?" "Stupid", she said. I blushed, the whole class was staring at me. I growled. With the snap of a finger. The whole class was frozen ( not in ice ). I unfroze omaru. I started packing my bags. Omaru then asked, "where are we going?" "I'm going home", I said. "What does that have to do with me", omaru asked. "Your my stocker aren't you," I said. We walked out the door. While closing it I unfroze the class. "Why are leaving school again", Omaru asked. "That girl is weird", I told him. "Really kumo she's weird", omaru said in a unaggreeing tone. "She was kind of adorable if you ask me. Especially those big blue eyes." I stopped walking. "Wait so you did not see her red eyes", I asked. "I said blue not red, and yes I did see her eyes", said omaru. "No no no, they were red when she first walked in", I said. "I stared into them and I saw things. Some actually amazing things." "You mean when you were dozing off", omaru said. "Hmmm you were probably just caught up in her beauty. I know I was." I walked away. "Come on kumo I'm just kidding around. I know your not into women", he kept shouting. I took out a peace of a needle. Then I cut my thumb. Using my blood I drew a circle on the ground. I made a hand sign and said "activate." It glowed. "Hurry up", I told omaru. He ran and hopped in the circle. Then we appeared in my room. I sat in the bed. "Hey what do we do now", omaru said. "Just take this as a free day." "Um ok", omaru said. I could not
Stop thinking about that girl.

( The next day )
"Mmmmm",I moaned. "Good morning world." I looked and saw omaru sleeping on the floor. I also felt something on my side. Something holding on to my arm. I looked and it was that girl from school. "What the hell", I screamed. She was half necad. No clothes except her bra and underwear. I blushed while looking for somewhere to hide her. After freaking out for a while I put my pajamas on her and left downstairs. My mom waited for me down stairs. "Good morning mom", I said. She got up from her chair. "Good morning", she said back smiling. Then she slapped me with an iron hand. "Why the hell did you leave school", she screamed. "I'll freaking kill you." "Wait wait, mom", I yelled. "A girl showed up in class." She looked ready to rip me to pieces. "Look she knows magic, I know she does." "No your the only one who knows magic around these parts", she argued. Then suddenly we heard footsteps. I got up and looked up the stairs. It was that same girl. "Oh", I said with a scared voice. "Omaru you forgot your stuff. Be right back mom." I pushed her back up the stairs. On the very last step omaru popped out of the room. We all froze. "Um, good morning", omaru said. Then with amazing speed the girl took omaru's arm putting him in a arm lock. "I give up, I give up" omaru screamed in a matter of seconds. I made a hand sign and began controlling her. I lifted her into the air and slammed her into the wall. She looked at me with a furious face. She was urging to get out and kill us. Then the phone rang. Omaru walked to the phone while watching her. He looked then said, "oh ya, I forgot today is a school day." I pulled out my phone. It was 7:45. "Oh god, class is starting", I said. I teleported again. We arrived in the class. "Nice of you to join us", said Mr. Kishimoto. I sat down in my desk. As Mr kishimoto kept teaching I of course stared out the window. Then after a few minutes, omaru threw a paper ball at me. He in hand language told me to read it. I opened it and it said, watch out!!!!!!! Omaru jumped to the floor. Then out of nowhere that same girl came crashing through the window. She landed and stood on omaru's desk. I Rose from my seat and made a sign. I then stopped seeing she had a blade. Then Mr. Kishimoto said, "oh um asuna." She raised her sword at me. "Your name", asuna said. "K-kumo", I said. "Nice to meet cha'."

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