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Chapter 16


**Hi Guys, just to clear expectations. Sohyun here is the girl that MCs Music Core with Minho. She’s very young…around 15? She was also in the drama Missing You.  And of course GD…you know GD, no confusion there. 

“Do you ever watch television?” asked GD

“No…not much.” Admitted Sulli

GD laughed. “Wow….you’re the first one in 5 years who I met who doesn’t know me. Since my debut, everyone seems to know me!”

“Debut…You’re an actor? Are you famous? A Celebrity?” asked Sulli

“Yeah..I’m an idol.” Said GD

“Really? I thought you have to be handsome to be one.” said Sulli

That made GD’s brows raise

“You don’t think I am handsome?” asked GD

“Umm…you look ordinary. You just dress a bit too fashionable…But that’s it.” Said Sulli

GD smirked. This woman is unbelievable!

GD’s stomach growled.

“Sorry…” said GD “I haven’t eaten since this morning.”

Sulli held out the lunch box she made. It’s inside a violet floral cloth.

“You can have this.” Said Sulli

GD opened the lunch box and tried the food.

“Wow…This is good. You sure I can have this?” asked GD

“Yeah…” said Sulli

“Who is this for? A boyfriend?” asked GD

“No…it’s for my Boss. But he suddenly had a lunchdate.” Said Sulli

“Oh really? Well, he missed a lot. This is really good.” Said GD

“By the way…why were you running?” asked Sulli

“Oh…Earlier today I was supposed to have an interview with another idol girl.” GD suddenly stopped talking and looked around.

“It seems there’s no camera anywhere. You’re not from the press are you?” asked GD “No, don’t answer, if you’re from the press you should have recognized me immediately.”

“The interview earlier they wanted to make it like a big reveal. It’s like a confession to the public that we have a relationship. It’s suppose to increase the sale of our duet album…But I just can’t do it…” said GD

“Why? You don’t like her?” asked Sulli

“Don’t like her? Hate her.” Said GD

“Why?” asked Sulli

“She…she has that rotten attitude. She’s a primadonna. She demands a lot. Even staffs hate her. She looks good outside, she’s popular and she looks kind and cute to the people…but she’s definitely not any of those inside!” said GD

“So there are really those talented individuals who can act in front of people.” Said Sulli

“Yeah…I just can’t stand it. Telling the people that I love her…that’s gross!” said GD

“But the sales of your duet album will drop if you don’t do the interview, right?” said Sulli

“I’ll let management handle that. The Vice President is good. He knows he needs me in TC. This should not be a big issue.” Said GD

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