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Chapter 23


Minho touched Sulli’s cheek. Brushing it lightly. It sent an soft gentle warmth on Sulli.

“I mean that…I have fallen in love with you Sulli…And it took me a while to realize it.” Said Minho

Sulli can’t believe what she’s hearing. Mr. Minho is in love with her? How did that happen?

Sulli shook her head. “No…that can’t be true.” Said Sulli

Minho lifted Sulli’s face so that she could look at him.

“I mean it. I don’t know when it started…But I had always been attracted to you…even when my mind tell me I hate you…even when you were in that Karaoke club, I had been drawn to you for some reason…it might have started physically…but…but the way you melted my heart towards my father…the way you make Kevin enter my heart…the way you take care of Kevin and sacrifice everything for him…By just the way you touch my life…I have completely fallen for you.” Said Minho

“I love you, Sulli.” Said Minho

Sulli can’t contain the way her heart is exploding with each word she hears form Minho. All the questions, all the doubts in her head fading away. And all she could think is Minho, the way he makes her heart race, the way her heart is in chaos…everything…is not just hers alone…he was feeling it too…He loves her too.

Sulli lifted herself on tiptoe and reached for Minho’s lips with hers.

Minho was surprised. Sulli’s lips on his…Sulli reaching for him to kiss him, melted all Minho’s defenses. He let himself go and enveloped Sulli closer to him until he could feel Sulli’s heart beat with his.

It felt warm…gentle and sweet…it was as if they were saying all the feelings they have for each other..only that no words are needed.

Suddenly they caught fire.

As soon as Minho deepen the kiss, he can’t stop it anymore. It feels like fuel is being poured on them and the fire just gets hotter and hotter.

Minho put his hand on Sulli’s nape pulling her closer to him. He wrapped his other hand around Sulli’s waist leaving them no gap between.

Sulli felt like she’s floating. She leaned on Minho because her legs could not keep her standing anymore. Her hands wrapped around Minho’s neck.

Minho pushed Sulli onto the kitchen table. Sulli leaned on the table to support her.

Minho started kissing Sulli’s neck. The heat surging through his body.

Sulli felt like she’s going to explode with the way Minho  is touching and kissing her.

Minho went back to Sulli’s lips like a mad man who was drinking water for the first time in his desert years.

And Sulli quenched Minho’s thirst. She gave everything she got and kissed Minho back fiercely.

Minho pulled back.

“I’m sorry…” said Minho “If we continue this…I won’t be able to stop.” Said Minho

Sulli’s eyes widen in shock at Minho’s words. Minho took a step back.

It was always the case for Him and Sulli that whenever they would touch like this, it’s hard to stop…it’s dangerous…way too dangerous.

Sulli cleared her throat and walked a few steps away from Minho.

“Ehem…I think we need to know what happened to Kevin. We left the party just like that…” said Sulli

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