Texting And Arguing

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Justin's POV
I woke up in the sunlight coming from my window as I got a shower and dressed myself up
And I got a text message and opened it
From: Scooter 😬
Hey Justin, you got a new song please go to the studio to record it and make a music video , Bye

Seriously?!? It is really tiring!

To: Scooter 😬
Sorry Scooter...i am so lazy and tired today, can it be the day after tomorrow?
-He replied back

From: Scooter 😬
Yeah..it can be...that's final?

To: Scooter 😬
Really super mega final!
Thanks bro!

From: Scooter 😬
Really? Super? Mega? Are you sure?

To: Scooter 😬
Dude! It really is! Don't ask again, I'll smack you this time

From: Scooter 😬
Well....that's your decision, then I'm going to text Selena to cancel her going to the studio today, and told her it's fine if she can't be in your music video...well gotta go!


To: Scooter 😬
Hey Scooter! I am sorry....you know awhile ago, I've been pranking you, you really take it seriously huh? Don't cancel! I am coming!

From: Scooter 😬
I thought your really fine to not come today, I smell something fishy...

To: Scooter 😬
As i said awhile ago, I am just pranking on you! And you can't smell me! Were millions of miles away! But I'll be there in 15

He didn't replied anymore
Selena is coming!
That woke up my laziness and tiredness
After 15 mins.
I am already there but still no sign of Selena here

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