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Selena's POV

Why is he so dumb?!

Am I wrong?! He can't know cause Hailey can know this and she must do something with him.

Thats my only wish. That he's safe.

"You know what? I'm done doing shit with you."

Why should I be mad? Its all my fault.

He really hates me now. Like ever.

I'm crying all day, I'm not eating till that happened, I look so pale, and I feel dizzy.

I can take care of myself.

I don't even know if I still have my soul.

*someone knocks*

Who's that?

"Who's there?"my voice is raspy

"Selena?? Is that you?"



I opened the door and saw my mom's pretty face.

"Sweetie!!!!!!"she hugged me.

"I miss you Mom."

"You look pale and sick. What happened?"

"Just tired."

"Let me take care of you."

She found my vitamins and gave it to me.

Gave me a blanket and putted a wet handkerchief at my forehead



"Yes mom?"

"Do you wanna go to Justin Bieber's concert I got a ticket. But I'm not really interested in this, I know you two had a story but I'm not really going."

"How did you got that?"

"You don't need to know, so you wanna go? He can't recognized you, just VIP."


"No, your in the last one."


"July 22, your birthday. I'm sorry I can't join you, that's the only gift I can give you."

"Its ok mom, I'll go."I smiled.

I'm going to my ex's concert.

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