01 - Ariel

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It is a Sunday morning when my duvet fall down from my bed and the cool morning air tickles my feet. When I have decided to open my eyes and peer towards my alarm clock, that is the moment when I realize that I have forgotten to set my alarm the previous day and now I am late, really late.

I rush my way across the room to take my swimming suit and all other swimming essentials and dump them into a bag. I decide to change into a plain white t-shirt and black beach shorts, because they are the only thing that lay before my eyes, and make my way downstairs.

"Hon, you're not practicing today?" My mom, whose back is faced towards me, asks.

"I am, I forgot to set my alarm last night and now coach is going to be furious at me." I take a piece of bread with me and put on my sneakers.

I hear my mom laughs as I exit the door, slamming the door close after I bid my mom goodbye.

"Why are you so late?!" My strict coach roars as soon as I enter the swimming area.

"I forgot to set my alarm yesterday. I'm sorry coach, won't happen again."

Once I've changed into my swimming suit, I start to practice, swimming five laps as a warm-up.

It feels crazy as five minutes ago I was still on my bed, dreaming about my celebrity crush and now I am asked to swim another five laps.

"Coach, can't we break for a moment?" I lean my whole body weight onto the pool side, feeling really weak.

"Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No, just need a rest."

"Go ahead then, we'll start again on five." She informs before she swims away.

I walk towards the bench which has my stuffs on it, slower than I should. I sit on the bench and lean my head against the wall, closing my eyes.

My relaxation breaks when I hear a shrill scream breaks the silence in an instance. I snap my head towards the pool, and in the middle of it I see splashes of water, and inside is a kid trying to keep herself afloat.

I don't think I am strong enough to swim and save the kid, and my eyes are frantically searching for my coach but she is nowhere to be seen. The lifeguard is the only hope. I turn my head towards the white, tall and slender life-guard chair, and the guy sitting on it has his earphones plugged in and a pair of
sunglasses on.

Trying to snap the lifeguard back into reality will be a hard work and he won't be able to save the kid in time as he has to climb down and everything.

Being really angry, I decide to muster all of my strength to swim and save the kid. Once I've reached the pool shore, I lay the unconscious kid down carefully and pump my hands above her chest.

After a couple attempts, she coughs, spitting all the waters out. I breath out a relieved breath and that's when my coach and the stupid lifeguard surround us in a circle.

Full of anger, I stomp onto my feet and push the lifeguard backward, before I get the chance to take a look on his face.

"Can you be anymore irresponsible, you moron?!" I shout.

He is taken aback by my sudden move, which results him stumbling backward and hit the tiles on his bare back.

His posture is athletic-built, with muscles here and there but at this point I just want to beat the heck out of his face, rather than being scared.

Once he stands up, I lift my fist, ready to lunge it at him but his reflex is faster as he catches it inside of his palm when I am about to hit him.

"Can you please calm down for a minute?!" His voice is deep and stern but that isn't enough to scare me.

"Calm down?! You're telling me to calm the f-" my breath hitches on my throat as soon as I got a clear vision of his face. My body goes rigid and my legs are limp.

No, it can't be..

My head is spinning like a roller-coaster and what's ironic is that I am holding onto his grip for support.

Before I can pass out, he realeases his grip on my fist and I stumble a couple steps back before walking away. I gather my things and am having a hard time lifting my bag with my own head beating on me.

"Coach, I don't think I can continue today's practice, I'm sorry." I say once I've succeeded to lift my bag and slung it over my shoulder.

I walk home in silence, furrowing my eyebrows. Drowned in my own confused thoughts, I don't realize that the rain starts to drizzle down at me.

My mind flashes back to the past. Memories whirs inside my head like a sped up cassette tape. I shake the thoughts away and tug on the thick strap of my bag before continuing my way home.

I know it took me a while (and by a while I mean years) to publish this chapter and I'm sorry about that :p

But anyway, please enjoy this chapter written in a different point of view and don't forget to vote :))

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