02 - Ariel

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"Mom, I'm home!" I drop my bag onto the couch as I make my way towards the kitchen counter. I take some pills to calm down my throbbing head.

"Hey honey, you're home early."

"Yeah, had a terrible headache." I slump onto the kitchen counter. I want to tell her about the stupid lifeguard but I can't handle being questioned about every single detail so I decide to let it slide.

"Are you sick? Maybe you should get more rest. Your sleeping schedule has been kinda off lately." She looks at me, concerned.

"Maybe I'm just too tired. I'd like to go to my room if you don't mind?"

"Of course, honey. Get some rest, and maybe we'll go to the doctor if that headache of yours gets worse."

"Okay, mom." I say as I walk upstairs.


I wake up accompanied by a throbbing headache.

'It certainly is still there.' I think.

I stumble off my bed before riding down the stairs to find mom. She is reading a newspaper by the dining table, with her glasses on and a crease is clearly visible between her eyebrows.

'You're getting old, mom.' I giggle to myself.

She stops reading once she notices my presence.

"Hey, honey. Feeling any better?"

"Not even a bit." I roll my eyes as I message my aching head.

"Let's go to the doctor then, honey. Before everything gets worse." She gives me a warm, comforting smile, "let me prepare some food for you before we go."

She stands up and makes her way towards the kitchen and I sag myself into the couch.

"Mom," I call out, "what if it gets worse?"

"What are you talking about, honey?" She stops doing whatever she is doing and looks at me.

"You know what I'm talking about, mom. That." I motion myself, "and I'm not talking about the headache."

"You're just being silly," she waves off the question as if it is nothing, "you'll be fine, stop worrying so much."

"Mom, what if?" I insist.

"I'm pretty sure that it's just a normal headache, honey."

She turns back to what she was doing before she was interrupted. But deep down I know that she is more than concerned about it too.

I am not feeling the appetite to eat but I know that I have to, if not I am just making this headache of mine worse.

After I finish my food, mom volunteers to do the dish washing and she tells me to take my pills and change my clothes.

I get back upstairs, change into a pair of sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, because apparently I have no one to impress. I take my pills bottle off the wall cabinet and spill some onto my hand.

I sit on my bed after I eat them. Closing my eyes for a little bit, my mind whirs back.

Two years earlier

"Do not peek, babe!" He exclaimed, giggling as I joined him.

"Are you going to kill me?" I joked, "I'm so curious!"

"You'll find out soon, don't worry. I love you too much to kill you." I could feel him smiled behind me.

"Aww, I love you too, babe." I replied cheekily.

We finally reached a spot and he opened my eyes, revealing a very beautiful and breathtaking scenery.

"Wow," I gasped.

"So, what do you think? Is it worth the suspense?" He smiled.

"It's totally worth it," I peered around, "thank you so much."

"Anything for you," he winked.

My smile turned into a frown and I could see concern in his eyes. He stepped closer, holding me by the shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"Don't leave," I looked up at him.

"Ariel, you know I have to," the way he said my name made me crack even more.

"Can we at least talk about this?" I was close to tearing up.

"We will keep in touch, " He gave me a reassuring smile, "I promise."

"Many things can happen in a year," I said.

"Hey, forever and always." He offered me a pinky promise.

"Forever and always," I said as I hooked his pinky finger with mine.

"Ariel!" My mom calls from downstairs, "are you done?"

"Yeah mom, just a sec!" I call back as I pick up and bag and go downstairs.

"Just a moment, honey." She picks up her phone, "I just remembered that I haven't set up an appointment. But I'm sure she is available."

I am about to protest since this headache cannot wait any longer, but then I had a knock on the door.

"Honey, can you please take that?" She pleads and I weakly nod as I walk towards the door.

And when I open it, it reveals the last person I want to see.

Hey guys, look! This is the first time that I don't take ages to update and I'm proud :p

So, this chapter is shorter than the previous one since the story continues in a different P.O.V and I don't want to put two P.O.Vs in a chapter so I figure that it'll be better to make a separate chapter.

And I know the flashback was a little cheesy and cringey but I had to do it XD

What do you guys think of Ariel?

I hope you guys like this chapter and please don't forget to vote and comment!

See you soon~

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