Chaos I

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"Lord Chaos, Lady Order has requested your presence." Gwen, Commander of the Army, spoke. Her bright purple hair was cut short, and her violet eyes twinkled. She was a pixie, and unlike popular beliefs, they were one of the strongest and most intelligent warriors in the universe. I nodded.

"Thank you, Gwen. And please, just Chaos. I'm a year younger then you, at least, and there are no ranks here, besides minor ones that we must have, such as commander, but we are all equals." I said, and she grinned at me.

I stood up from my desk littered in papers and maps, and walked out of the room, Gwen by my side.

"So, any updates on Luke's condition? Bianca informed me earlier that he was getting better, but still had a terrible fever." I said worriedly as we walked down the long hall.

"Yes, Chaos. Luke's fever is down and Calypso is only going to hold him in the hospital for one more day, at least. She and Leo are with him now, I believe."

"Glad to hear it. I'll stop by to visit him in a second, after I'm done with Order. How is Ethan?" I asked. Gwen blushed blue at her husband's name.

"He's fine. Those monsters really took at lot out of him, but Caly patched him up in about two seconds. He's resting. Everyone else seems to be okay. That attack really shocked us though. I'm working on the base repairs and a new defense system with Leo." Gwen explained. I nodded.

We'd reached the door to Order's office, and Gwen excused herself as she walked off. Opening the door silently, I saw my girlfriend working hard, typing furiously into a computer. Her blonde hair was pulled back into its usual messy ponytail, and her grey eyes shinned brightly.

Sneaking up behind her, I watched as she crumpled up a piece of paper, and brutally threw it across the room and into the trash bin without looking. I chuckled, startling her.

"What did that paper ever do to you?" I asked teasingly, hugging her from behind. She relaxed.

"It was a letter from Olympus. They need our help." Order said wearily. I ran my hands through my messy Raven black hair.

"Have you responded? Do they know who we are? Who we were?" I said nervously. Order smiled, increasing my nervousness.

"Of course I said yes!" She chirped. My eyes narrowed instantly.

"You're lying." I accused.

She rolled her eyes. "No! I just rendered how you told me that the Olympians were your favorite people!" She said, attempting to mock my use of sarcasm.

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop right there, Wise Girl. Sarcasm is my thing. You're the brains here." I said, shaking my head in mock disapproval. She laughed, a beautiful sound slicing through the air.

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain." She said teasingly, and stood up, standing on her tip toes to peck me on the cheek.

I have her a look of mock hurt, and extended my arm to her. "Shall we, M'Lady?" I said jokingly. She giggled and obliged, placing her arm above mine and walking out of the room by my side.

We turned down the Hall, and as if reading my mind, Order confirmed our destination.

"We going to visit Castellan?" Order piped up. I nodded.

"Yeah. Gwen said he's doing a lot better, and Leo and Caly are there now." I replied, turned left and throwing open the doors of our private hospital.

I saw Bianca waiting anxiously outside one of the doors, so I immediately steered towards her.

Bianca smiled wearily as she saw us approach.
"Chaos, Order." Her dark hair was loose over her shoulder, and her olive toned skin looked like it hadn't seen sun for a couple of days.

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