4 - First Encounters

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     The first half of class was slow and boring. Sawamura had run to his class after his long onside conversation with you. There was barely any time to answer his frantic questions, and he seemed to answer them on his own. He had a lot of energy, but it wasn't a bad thing. You sat in class, tapping your pencil on the desk, as the teacher went through the lesson. It was something you had already learned and really had no need to take notes. You watched the clock on the far side of class and hoped class would be over soon.

     When the teacher was wrapping up the notes, you couldn't help but notice a boy in front of the class. He had soft brown hair, and from behind it looked as if he were wearing glasses. 'Kind of looks like a more mature Sawamura' you smirked to your self and slid back into your chair. You continued to stare at him until he turned around. He must have felt you staring at him, and he caught you doing it. He gave a weird look towards you, before turning around again. You felt bad, but who doesn't stare once in a while?

    You packed up your bag and started to head out of the door to class. Keeping your phone in your pant/skirt pocket for safety. The boy from before caught up to you and nearly ran you over. He had a grin on his face, and he sort of seemed like an asshole. You raised your eyebrow, and he began to speak.

    "You know its rude to stare, right? You got something on me?" He smirked and continued to have a cocky air around him. You felt embarrassed, but you didn't back down. You gave him a small glare and continued to walk while replying.

    "Of course I know its rude, but was I giving such a judgemental glance?" You retorted, shrugging your shoulders, and just wanting to get away from this awkward moment. This boy didn't look pleased with your answer. He shook his head from side to side, and his gaze narrowed.

       "It was not a judgemental one, but there was something else. You are either a liar or some con artist." He laughed at his own joke, and you smiled a bit. He wasn't all that bad, yet you wouldn't answer what he assumed. 'I didn't give him some other glance did I?' you thought. You were somewhat confused, but you didn't want to question it.

     "Anyways, my name is Miyuki Kazuya. You must be that new student they were talking about?" He tilted his head to the side, most likely wondering if it was true or not. It is not every day a 3rd year pops up out of nowhere. You smiled, and your fingers tapping along the straps of your bag/backpack. 'I wonder who, they, are..' you thought, and sighed.

    "That's me, the one and only. My name is (Y/N), it's nice to meet you?" You laughed a bit, not wanting to be awkward, as you both just had an argument over staring. He laughed a bit back, really wanting to make you feel comfortable. You were quite the quirky one, and it interested him.

     "Did you just move here, or are you one of those homeschooled rich kids?" He smirked and started to quicken his pace. As the next class would start soon. You followed hot on his trail, keeping your schedule close to you. You somewhat laughed at his question, you found him quite interesting. He was intelligent looking, but was he truly? You would find out soon.

     "We just moved here, and barely finished unpacking. I have a brother, but you see how that turned out." You smirked, following him as he laughed. You came to a halt before looking at you. He stopped at a door.

     "Heres my stop, you better get to class, you have 2 minutes left." He smirked, and gave you finger guns, before sliding into his class. You gave a polite farewell, but nearly panicked when you realized your next class was on the other side of the school. You darted away and hoped you would arrive on time. Miyuki intrigued you to where you found your own punishment. You weren't sure if you should hate him, or take a liking to him. He was handsome but cocky.

     You shook your head and picked up the pace. Spotting Sawamura ahead, and almost coming to a complete stop. 'Not him again!' You practically screamed in your head, but he saw you before you could hide.

    "Phoenix Senpai!" He shouted, and nearly ran over a pack of 2nd years trying to get to you. You gave him an awkward and panicked smile as he hurtled towards you.

    How had first encounters turn out so unfortunate?

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