As Close as Strangers

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~the next week~

Megan's P.O.V

 It is my first day back to school since the incident that occurred on the first day of school. It is about half way through the second six weeks of school, and now that I have Calum and my friends I feel like I can take on the rest of this school year. It is my first day back so instead of wearing the usual band tee and skinny jeans, I need to make myself look presentable. 

*an hour later*

I'm gonna miss the bus if I don't hurry up. I grab my converse wedges and run down the stairs. My outfit consists of a mint green tank top that says I will never than has an anchor on it, ripped blue skinny jeans, and my dragon ear cuff. Of coarse me being me gets distracted and starts playing my my cat. I get up and as soon as I stood up the bus pulled up. Yay my day is starting off great I thought to myself. First my mom had to take my car because hers would  not start, second someone had broken into our shed when I was sleeping, and third I almost missed the bus. What else could possibly happen?

The bus ride to school was pretty short, since I was the last person that got picked up. As so as I walked through the doors and into the cafeteria. I was expecting to see all my friends in a big group like they always were. But today was different. I saw that some were sitting at one table and some were at another table. "Maybe its because they were sick of us all crowding around one table" I thought to myself. Savanna and Luke were sitting at one table, with Ashton and Abby and with two other people I would have never of thought. The rest of my friends were at the other table, including Ashley. Ashley is really great when you get to know her, and it turns out her feelings for Michael were also just for show so everything is a-okay in that department. 

The bell rings signaling for us to go to our first period class. My first class is AP English it flew by so did my second and third period classes.  The whole day flew by really. When I got home I went up to my room to finish up a project for school. I was fine, and half way through coloring something on the poster I got a text from an anonymous person, it was a screenshot of a post my "best friend" posted on Instagram with me blurred out of the pictures and apparently it was the second picture she had posted that day. 

I got so mad I began shaking. I was shaking so bad I could not even color straight. I could not believe this. I did not even know what I could have possibly done, to cause this. Honestly I felt used, and betrayed, and hurt. I knew things were going south but never in a million things had I thought this would have happened, but it did. Trying to fix things well ha. That attempt was shot down. I went to bed feeling sick about it, but I woke up and realized how stupid that was. If people are willing to turn on you at the drop of a hat for no good reason then whats the reason worrying about it? 

~A week after the whole incident~

We are strangers now. We ignore each other, now and when we pass by each other in the hall we act like the other does not exist. We went from being as close as sisters to being as close as strangers. But there is a reason for everything that happens in life, so I won't stress about it. What is done is done, the past is the past. Hakuna Matata. But I'm still open to fixing things but thats probably just me. She wanted us to be strangers I guess. High school: Showing who is there for you throughout everything. At least today is Friday, TGIF.

Taylor's P.O.V

"Hey Megan I'm gonna get my iPhone's screen fixed." "It will probably only last a few days," Megan said laughing. "Oh really? Wanna bet?" "Yeah sure whats the bet?" she asked looking at me. "Well how about 5 bucks says it will last a week." "Ummm how about no. I'm broke. How about gum I'll give you a bunch of gum." Megan said smiling. "Deal." Now I hope that I can keep my phone screen from breaking within a week.

Marissa's P.O.V

"Have you heard the new Pierce The Veil song!?" "Noooo but I'm pretty sure its amazing." Megan said. (few minutes later) "OMG IT IS SO FREAKING AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL THEIR NEW ALBUM COMES OUT!!!" She yells. "Same." "They are making us Hold On Till May for the release of their new album." "Omg Megan really XD." I said. Lets just say we have some pretty interesting conversations. Most of those conversions usually consist of band related stuff, or cats, or food. "If people looked at our conversations they would think we were mental. You know that?" "Yeah I know that but I would not change a thing." Megan said. 

Ashley's P.O.V

"We should totally have a sleepover at my house next Saturday." "We could get movies from red box and be like typical white girls." "Oh my goodness Ashley what the heck XD?" Megan said nearly falling out of the chair from laughing so hard.  "I don't know we just could do it to take our minds of things." "At least this time it would be under better circumstances then last time I spent the night at your house." Megan said. "Yeah it would be." "At least this time you won't leave and your puppy dies like last time." She says trying to hold back a laugh. "Yeah I blame you for my puppy dying, because she died when I spent the night at your house." I said laughing. "Hey at least you have my cat Precious. She freaking loves you." "True and thats weird because she is your cat." "Yep. But I'm glad she likes you."

A/N: Seeeeeee I updated after a million years of not updating. Sorry about that by the way. Once Summer comes I should be able to have more time to update. These last few months have been hectic and my Spring break sucked. Which leads me to the: Question of the Chapter: How was your Spring Break? What did you do/where did you go? My Spring Break started off us moving everything into the garage because of break ins happening around my house. Then I got sick (thank you allergies), I stayed sick, then someone broke into our shed and I was scared to death. So yeah See my Spring break was not that great lol. Thanks for reading please don't give up on this book. Please vote. Love ya my kittens~Megan (=^.^=) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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