2-The Chaos Planet

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Hi! Again, let me just mention, this chapter was written by ZoeNightshade6577

Also, the photo above is like a foreshadow, so. . .


"Come along into the portal, please," he said, stepping in.

I followed him hesitantly. When I was completely in, the world swirled around me, dissolving. And I was leaving it behind.

----- Story Starts Here-----

Bianca's POV

Inside the portal, I felt like I was zipping around at a thousand miles per hour.

I wanted to vomit, but I held it in.

After what seemed like forever, the portal opened up and we hopped outside of it. I was amazed by what I saw.

The ground was dark green, and rich flowers and plants grew around, the flowers seemed to be made out of crystals, diamonds, and other precious metals.

It had an ocean of clear blue water, the color of ice, glittering. Some people were swimming.

Then, the town was even more amazing as we walked through.

Some houses were humble colors, like blue, brown, peach, that kind of thing. Others were brighter colors like red, yellow, pink, green, and rose. They loomed above us, and people bowed to Chaos as we walked past.

My favorite was the palace.

It was a large black building with diamonds embedded in the black marble. It seemed to be one hundred stories high, looming above us.

"This is my palace. The army stays here as well, and this is where we all live, train, and work. Come on in, we need to get you in the meeting room," he said.

Chaos led me up every flight of stairs to the very top. There was a doorway at the very end o f the hall, but we went through the second to last door on the right of it.

There was a silver marble table and twelve seats to it. There was five seats each on both sides, but two chairs were at the end. Ten of the chairs were occupied, but the two at the end were vacant.

"Everyone, this is Bianca di Angelo, from Earth." They nodded to me, smiling. I felt welcome.

"She's a bit young, isn't she?" One said. "But I have a feeling she will do many great things, Chaos." The speaker was closest to the chairs at the end. It was a girl around eighteen with dark hair circled up in a bun, with jewels poking out. Two strands of hair fell into her face, and she wore black jeans and a black, grey, and white camouflage tank top with grey combat boots. Her wings were dark grey, fluttering behind her.

"Bianca, this is Jade Evans. She is my Commander for the entire army," Chaos said.

Her green eyes twinkled. "Oh, excuse him, temporary Commander. These two chairs at the end, whenever these two certain people arrive, they will take over my place as co-commanders. I'm just doing the job until they arrive." She shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Bianca."

I returned her smile. "Sam here, ma'am."

"Well, Chaos, get on with it!" a boy said.

Chaos rolled his eyes. "Come along, then, Bianca."

Chaos sat in the giant throne away from the tables, and I stood in front of him. "Repeat after me. I pledge to be in Chaos's army to help and protect the Universe. I pledge to take my wings and do my job for the good of the people. I pledge to never turn back on my fellow friends. This, I pledge."

I repeated everything he said, and then I started to glow.

I didn't know what happened when I got my wings, but I knew it was important.

When the glow faded, I looked just like I did, but with diamond black wings. (I literally mean that. You know how a diamond looks, but black instead of clear. That's how they looked. And they were sharp black, too.)

There was a huge gasp from the onlookers.

"It's her," Jade said, her green eyes wide. "You are one of the commanders we have been waiting for. I mean, the closest we have gotten to those wings was a really faded black. But yours, oh, they are sharp!" Jade got up and stood in front of me, smiling.

"I, Jade Evans, give up my post of Commander to Bianca di Angelo, and reside to be a simple army member." Some of the glow from her faded and came to me. She still had a lot of it left, but the Commander part was now mine.

I was frozen. "What's going on? Why am I commander?" I asked quickly.

Chaos smiled warmly. "It has been said that two people from Earth, a girl and a boy, shall join this army and get the diamond black wings. Together, they would become commanders of the army and someday replace me when the time comes."


"That can't be me!" I said. I could never replace the Creator of the Universe. That was crazy.

Chaos shook his head. "I know it's a lot to take in, dear, but don't worry. You have many, many years to prepare. Now, how about we start your training?"

-----Time Skip 100 Years Later-----

I stopped aging at eighteen, like everyone else. I had grown accustomed to being commander, and I got a bunch of powers and responsibility. I worked alone, because so far, the other co-commander hasn't arrived. I always wondered when he would come, but that wasn't for me to decide.

I was training, as usual, with my powers. Those powers included creation, destruction, reading thoughts, sending out thoughts, and a special ability to summon any animal ever created. I had these other powers, too, like raising the dead, which Chaos said was probably because I was a daughter of Hades. I also had shadow travel, and shadow bender which means that I can make things out of shadows, but they look kind of creepy because I haven't practiced much yet.

Chaos also said I would unlock more powers as I gained more experience.

Back to training.

I whistled for two of my pets to join me. I call them pets, but they are my companions. They are family. I love them.

Two wolves melted out, one from shadows, and one from sunlight. The one that came from the sunlight had a golden pelt and icy blue eyes. The one from the shadows had a black pelt and the same icy blue eyes. They were mates.

"Luce, Scuro, we should train," I told them. Luce and Scuro were Italian names that meant Light and Dark (Luce has L for Light). Both wolves had properties that matched their name.

The two wolves nuzzled each other, then nodded to me. Together, we fought the hologram course like demons.

"Commander Bianca, please report to the meeting room."

I nodded to Luce and Scuro, and they bounded away. I strapped my sword to my belt and started walking towards the meeting room, where I was given my wings so long ago. The others were present, so I sat in my chair at the head of the table. Chaos flashed in moments after with a boy in his wake.

When I saw him, I screamed.

-----Story Ends Here-----

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