4-Planet 0001

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Hey! Starting from this chapter, it is completely my own work except for the

Disclaimer: PJO and HOO were made by Rick Riordan


Jade Evans and the three chapters before this were written by ZoeNightshade6577

So, enjoy!


When we got back, we talked about our pasts as much as we could remember. He remembered less and less as it got closer to recent time.

After talking to him for another hour, I told him his room was interlocked with mine. I showed him the door, and he left.

I read a book for the remainder of the day, trying to focus on it but failing.

-----Story Starts Here-----

Bianca's POV

As time passed, Percy and I grew closer and got to know each other better. He told me his favorite color was blue (he thought), and I told him I didn't remember mine, but currently it is green.

Once in a while, Percy would mutter things to himself in little broken bits and pieces.

One time, I caught him saying a whole bunch at once.

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,
One shall be lost int he land without rain,
The bane of Olympus shows the trail,
Campers and hunters combined prevail,
The Titan's Curse must one withstand,
And one shall perish by a parents' hand.

I assumed it was a prophecy. At times, he would mutter little parts of another prophecy, but he only seemed to remember this one. If I was nearby while he was stating this one, he seemed to glance at me during the second line, lost in thought.

-----Time Skip-----

(It has been about 5,300 Chaos years, and 530 Earth years)

"Commanders Bianca and Percy report to the throne room."

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and put away my bow and arrow, and I ran over to the throne room.

When I entered, Percy was there and already seated.

He grinned at me. "I got here first."

I scowled at him and sat down.

"Father, what do you need?" I asked. "Which planet this time? 003? 0005? 0027?"

"Actually," Chaos said, "this time, it's Planet 0001."

Percy and I were silent for a moment before I squealed and hugged him. Yeah, I don't normally squeal, but Percy and I have been wanting to return to Earth (Planet 0001) for so long to complete our memory.

Percy grinned madly at me. "When do we leave?" he asked Chaos.

"Right after you pack," Chaos said.

We all knew that Percy and I could just snap our fingers and have everything packed, but we knew Chaos was giving us time to think things through.

I ran to my room with Percy hot on my heels, slamming my hand on the hand-scanning lock. Being recognized, the door unlocked and I exploded into my room. Percy followed.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

Percy shrugged. "You know. If I just follow you then go to my room 'cause they're interlocking, it saves me the time of unlocking my door."

I laughed at his laziness and started packing.

Percy left and went to his room to pack and came back with his mini backpack that was enchanted to have endless space.

Percy leaned against the wall while watching me debate what to pack. "Need any help?" he asked.

"Yeah. I just need to decide which of everything to pack," I replied.

Percy snapped his fingers and my mini emerald green backpack appeared in front of me. I grabbed it before it could fall to the floor and unzipped it.

As I sifted through it, I saw my toothbrush, hairbrush, and clothes--everything else too--and they were all hot pink. Percy tried to muffle his laughter as I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath in an effort to calm myself.

It didn't work.

"Perseus Jackson!" I yelled, launching myself at him. Normally, he was stronger and had faster reflexes so he stopped me, but this time, he didn't do anything as I tackled him.

He landed on my bed and I landed on top of him, hard.

"Oof!" he yelled. "Where did that come from?"

"What?" I asked. "Me launching myself at you? That was for packing everything hot pink."

"No, not that," he said, looking dazed. "You said ---- Perseus Jackson. You're right. My real name is Perseus, not Percy. I think."

I was still on top of him when Chaos entered my room without knocking. He raised his eyebrows at us, and I jumped off of Percy, blushing. I looked over at Percy to also see a light pink tinge to his cheeks.


"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," Chaos said.

I blushed even harder, if possible, and Chaos chuckled.

"Anyway, I brought you enchanted hoods to wear while on Earth." Chaos raised his hand to stop me from asking a question. "And before you complain, I'll explain why. Your appearances will freak out everyone, so you can't and I repeat, cannot reveal your identity until you remember everything."

I closed my gaping mouth and sighed, nodding as I received my hood.

"What if someone pulls our hood off?" Percy asked hopefully.

"Won't work, sorry. They're enchanted so that only you can take them off," Chaos informed us.

"Well then, can't we 'accidentally' take it off?" I asked.

Chaos smirked. "Sorry, no can do, but you can only take it off when you remember everything."

I stomped my foot in frustration. "So you've thought of everything."

Chaos nodded at us before waving his hand, and we were transported to the throne room--no, A throne room. Not Chaos', but someone else's.


-----Story Ends Here-----

Eh, a little on the short side, but only like, two hundred words. I liked the last sentence, so too bad.

Don't be a silent reader!

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