My birthday

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"Whaaat""if you don't want it's  alright""ani but why""so he can back of it will only be for a day ""okay but i don't know  what to do so you take the lead""ok i take always the lead anyway"my phone rings "hello with hope""hello hope it's rocky""ow hey rocky-ah why do you call""we have to say something to you wait a minute i will set it on the speaker""arraso ""HOPE ""ne"HAPPY B-DAY" "thanks guys""NOONA""ne sanha""ANI I JUST WANTED TO CALL YOU""arrso speak to you guys later""ne bye bye"i smile"who was that""Astro a new group i love there song""but we need to go downstairs"i nod "lets go " we walk downstairs i have my laptop with me and chat with my friends unil daimon sends"SERIOUS DAIMEN""what is it nara" the8 asked""just that stupid friend sends something" "what did he sent""i see you soon Princess and then we can be toghether again urg""since when did we date i just didn't push away when he kissed me""WHAT YOU KISSED AT THE AIRPORT""AISH SHUT UP JOSHUA IT4S NOT LIKE I HAD SEX"i stand up "And even if i did it has nothing to do with you "i walk to the kitchen i grap a apple "nara""ne wonwoo oppa""why are you back to who you where in the beginen with joshua""i didn't act any diffrent and even if i had it would have a reason right"i walk out the kicthen en see seventeen at the door from rthe kitchen exept for vernon dino hoshi and woozi"aish don't i have a little privecy and vernon woozi hoshi oppa and dino thank you for respecting me "they smile i go to my room and start editing and post my cover after that's done i look at my insta from secret girl and read some comments 'wow it looks amazing there  i would love to go there''you're beautiful but when are you gonna show us you're face'

ofcourse theres hate to'urg you're so ugly that you must hide yoiu face you can't even sing''ow i pity her parents with such a ugly child who wants her ' she is right who wants a child like me i sigh and when i almost feld asleep i heart skype i looked at the person and it daimon shit i yelled"VERNON OPPA GET YOU'RE FAT ASS HERE" i get the call""hello daimon how is it going""good beause i got to see my girlfriendbut where is you're red lipstick""what do you mean i don't wear always lipstick and who is she""you duuh ""i'm sorry but i have a boyfriend that incident at the airport was you not me" and with that vernon got into my room"what do you want know hope""it's the guy just act with me oke he nods"who is with you hope""my boyfriend""i don't believe you show him""ok babe come here""i'm comming baby""are you serious hope""so daimen this is my boyfriend vernon babe this is my friend daimon you know that guy i talked about""urg stop it hope i know you don't have a relationship with him""are you sure"vernon said before me"yea i'm sure bastard""and how would you know mister""you don't even sit close to each other you didn't kiss her on the cheek ""what do you want to prove that were together""KISS""okay"i gave vernon a peck on the cheek"you know what i mean hope on the mouth""okay but don't cry"i turn to vernon and mouthed i'm sorry i'ts nothing he mouthed back and with that i kissed him everything changed my arms flew around his neck and i didn't even think about daimon or that it's all false it was just this moment i felt his arms around my waist we breaked appart and i saw daimon with a open mouth staring at me and vernon(pretend the pic is vernon and hope)"you faked it i come tomorrow and we will see i know you love me hope""aish just understand that i just love you as a friend and that vernon and me-" but he closed the call"urg is he serious " i turn around and see vernon "i'm sorry oppa""it's nothing it was just a act anyway"he said and my heart broke and because of that my birthday got worse"yea just a act""VERNON NARA FOOD4S HERE""lest go eat"he said"oppa i'm not hungry go ahead i just gonna sleep early""arraso euhm hope""ne""i will come with you to the airport ""wae""because our act""oh yea make sure you're early because we leave 6:30 AM to the airport"he just nods and go out my room i get ready to sleep


after the kiss i didn't know what to do so i acted like i didn't feel anything but truthfully i didn't want to let her go i hope that she won't fall for that daimon guy huh what did i say when i got downstairs joshua asked"Hey where's nara""ow she didn't feel like eaten she's tired "ow okay but vernon""yes hyung""do you know why she was so angry at me today""hyung that's something you should know she's you're dongsaeng" i go to the rest and eat "so why did nara call you""for that daimon guy ""ow did daimon call"i nod"he comes tomorrow and i go with her to the airport for our plan Joshua hyung""ne"don't be angry but i'm her Fake boyfriend for a day""it's okay because i know the reasen""okay "after we ate we went straight to bed



when i woke up i got my outfit it was one of my leader looksjust a pair of black ripped jeans a crop top with LEADER on it my red all-star short cut my hairis in a high ponytale my lips are red and i have eyeliner on with that i'm on my way downstairs when i got into the kicthen eat my cereal and when i get ready to leave "hey hope you're ready to go""yea lets go after i get my bag""ok" i run upstairs grap my make up bag and my phone i run downstairs"oppa my manager will bring us ""oke""lets go""why do you wear so much make up""what do you mean this isn't even the half of what i wore back in cali""eeh why would you wear so much""to hide the wounds on my face duuh"

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