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Mikey and Ray held the funeral on March 22. The same day that Frank held for Gerard. Hey knew it was what right. Besides, Frank wanted it that way.

It was a small service, only Frank's parents and the Way family. Ray didn't leave the coffin for what seemed like years. Eventually, Mikey had to pull his friend away and bring him outside for time to get away. Both of the Ieros said something about their son, but Mikey sat in the back of the room, knowing things weren't like that with Frank. They talked about him being happy in his last few months and how it came as a surprise, but Mikey and Ray knew it was false.

Frank was miserable, so Ray and Mikey didn't cry as much as they probably should have. They knew he was a happier person, and that he was with Gerard. Both of them could feel it.

Eventually, it was up to Mikey to say Frank's last words. He jogged up, unfolding a crumpled piece of paper. It was Frank's words, his letter. It was unclear as to when he'd written it, but it looked like an older piece of paper.

Mikey read it, taking a deep breathe in before beginning.

Hey there.

It's Frank here. I must be dead, huh? I must be gone, if someone's reading this. I hope it's someone close, that is, if anyone finds this.

Most of you know me, or well, knew me when I was alive. Mom, I hate to think of you crying as you hear this, so please, please, don't cry for me. I know I'm happy. It's your turn to know that, and always remember that.

I'm with Gerard now. And that's the best part, I'm with the person I love most. The man who eventually ate me alive. I can't stand another minute in this place, but I'm only alive because Gerard told me to take care of everything, and to try to make the most of it. He told me not to come to him too soon, but he never specified the time. So, I went.

I went peacefully, I hope. I wouldn't know quite yet, but I probably chose the least painful way I could think of.

My thoughts haunted me.

Gerard haunted me.

But everything's okay now.

I guess since these are going to be known as my famous last words or whatever, and I know I won't be one of those living dead, I'll end it with this. I don't want to be too sappy, so don't expect that.

I love you guys, but I'm gone. And I chose for it to be that way.

Anyone who tries to dig up my body or whatever, just carve these two words into my gravestone, if you can.

"Fuck off."

Time for me to head out, I'll see you guys in another life.


Mikey took a deep breathe. He was shaking. Later, he went up to Ray. Giving him a hug, he smiled and said, "I guess they really were demolition lovers."  

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