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Hey luke here,
I havent wrote in this since december! Yikes!! Im truly sorry
The tour has been VERY confusing and busy.
But don't worry i will catch you up on things that happened.
I miss kylie I taped a pic of her in this (a/n because its a diary just pretend)
I mean her lips arent really that big its just overline shes prettier without makeup
Plus she doesnt have red hair, she was playing around with extensions, shes also really good at makeup (as you could probably tell) but idk if you guys think shes pretty i dont care i like her. Shes beautiful to me. I probably picked the wrong picture since her hair and lips don't really look like that haha
She still can't remember me. It's probably because im gone. But she wont remember me. I doubt she will.
Alright bye - luke
P.s he next few pages are before i left.
Just to catch you up.

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