France POV:

After we all went to sleep something happened. We knew Alfred was captured and hurt, but we didn't see the message in the night. I had a bad feeling and heard voices, but I took no notes of it, until I heard England yelling at nothing. At least I thought that until I woke up. I saw him yelling at 2p Russia as a hologram. Sooner or later England was on the ground with cuts on his face. Almost all of the nations were helping England, the others trying to pin 2p Russia down. Also known as Viktor. There was blood seeping out of his cheek.

"Angleterre!" I yelled as I was running over to help.

"I'm fine France..." He said as he was being punched in the gut after being dragged away from the group of helping nations.

"You should know better than to help Amerika, da?" Viktor said as he cut England on the arm.

That statement made me furious so I started swearing and yelling in French. "VA TE FAIRE FOUTRE! Éloignez-vous des Amérique ET l'Angleterre! Je veillerai personnellement FIN ta putain de vie si AMÉRIQUE meurt dans VOS EMBRAYAGES rester si LA BAISE LOIN salope! "(Translations at the end XD)

The statement I made earned England a punch on the cheek by Viktor. It left a purple and red mark.

"Could use a little help!" England yelled to nobody. Ivan stepped up and started to fight his counterpart. Swearing and cursing at him.

"Только я могу напугать и больно народы! Особенно Америка ! Так держаться подальше от 1ps вы сука !" Ivan yelled.

"ХА вы думаете напугать меня ? Я сделал Аль чувствовать себя намного хуже , чем боль , что мы делаем, чтобы ваше драгоценное 1p . Я не хочу это слышать . Я не чертов уход либо ."Viktor said as Ivan was pinned against the wall. The fight lasted about 10 minutes until Viktor spoke in English.

"You will never find Amerika. Never. He will be mine and will soon be gone. Engulfed in flames you could say." Then he disappeared into thin air.

"We need more help, da?" Russia said as he wrapped his cuts in bandages. I forgot about the fact I was still speaking French.

"Et plus de bandages pour l'Angleterre." Everyone looked at me strangely.

"Er- I mean, and more bandages for Angleterre." Everyone nodded and looked at England, who was passed out on the ground. A thin line of blood leaving his lips. China got up and tended to his wounds.

"Shourd I carr Canada? Armost all of Arfred's famiry is here arready either way." Japan said as he was helping China.

"I will call Canada." I replied and walked out of the room.

Ring... Ring... Ring...


"Hello Canada."

"Hi Papa! How's Alfred doing? I heard he got hurt."

"Could you come to the G8 meeting room for me?"

"Sure Papa. I will be there soon, eh?"

"Thank you. See you in a few minutes." The call was ended and Canada showed up 5 minutes later at the G8 meeting. It was strange without England or America speaking. Especially with America's ideas that will never work. It was 5:39 am when Canada arrived. We never told him about the situation at hand. I decided it would be best if England and I did it because we were family. England woke up a few minutes before Canada arrived. This made me think of how America wasn't unconscious. He was hurt way more than England. Hmmm... When Canada came in his eyes widened at the sight. There was blood covering part of the floor, all of the nations there were injured, and the windows and walls were broken. England and I got up and led him to a different room. England was pale and limping badly. At the next room we sat on the brown leather couch. It reminded me of America's furniture. All classic with a mix of modern.

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