Rain II

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    "Yeah...I guess I really do wear clothes...haha!" Zachary looked down in utter embarrassment. I can't believe I just said that. *drip, drop* 

"is...that...rain?" Zachary looked over to the girl, otherwise to him known as the girl with the paintings.
"I think so! I know precipitation when I see it!.." Did I really just say that?? Macy criticized herself, making her frown but when she heard the boy snicker she new it was okay to not be akward and smile. "The names Macy, and for my second act, do you have an umbrella with you?" Macy questioned the nudist boy.

"Actually," The boy confessed "I think I do!" Zachary held his bag trying to get his umbrella from inside the bag. "Just...uh.. hold this." Zachary handed Macy his bag to hold while he grabbed the umbrella. "And uh, the names Zachary...just call me Zach, I guess."

As Zach grabbed his bag from Macy, Macy's head lifted along with Zach's with accidental eye contact. Macy dropped the bag, on Zach's toe, not to mention High Schoolers bags are pretty heavy. "TTSSSKK!!" Zachary hissed out as it fell on his toe. "Oh my god!! I'm so sorry!! Please let me help you!"  Macy felt guilty. "N-nope, I'm fine. I swear."

Zachary grabbed the bag and opened the umbrella, putting it over Himself and macy while being quite close as the umbrella was quite small.

[Admins note!!: Hey Madam Savannah is back with a new (shorter) addition to this story. Apparently I get really inspired at 4 a.m.?? Idk either. ;^)]

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