A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) Fanfiction

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I sat at my desk, my laptop perched on the edge, and my feet propped up to the right. Danisnotonfire was playing on the screen. I laughed after his sarcastic comment of slow walking people. There was a soft knock on the door and I quickly paused it and shut the laptop.


My mom walked in then. “Elizabeth, you have school tomorrow.”


“You have to go to bed.” She said, staring me down. "You're going to get up early!"

“Moooom. No one at school has to go to bed at a certain time.”

“Well, you do.” Before I could respond, she whirled around swiftly and turned out the lights, closing the door behind her. I sighed and waited staring at my door. I counted until I reached thirty. As soon as I thought it was safe enough to keep watching, I opened my laptop and cringed away from the brightness. I sat it on top of my bed and grabbed my pajamas from my drawer. Pressing play, I listened from the bathroom as I changed. I then sank beneath the covers of my bed, turned down the volume and continued to watch.


When I woke up, my laptop was still on my stomach, open. I slapped my alarm clock, which was beeping so loud it sounded like the fire alarm. I ran my fingers over the touch pad and lit up my computer. It was on Dan Howell’s YouTube channel. I smiled to myself and got up. I walked over to my closet and searched for my dark blue skinny jeans and  Amazingphil shirt. I threw them on and applied my makeup. Straightening my long, blond hair for what seemed like forever I grabbed my llama hat and ran out the door.

“Bye, Mom!” Before I heard her response I shut the door and ran out to my car. I’ve been driving for 3 years now. I’m 19, and a senior in high school. I was held back in first grade, so technically I should be in college. As I drove I thought about Dan’s last video. I wish I had a boyfriend…I wish all guys were as attractive as Dan or Phil. Why were they so perfect and all the guys at my school so…well, not them? I knew I was being unreasonable.

I parked near the school, grabbed my bag and walked towards the door. “Here goes another average day.” I said to myself.


After 2nd period, I opened my locker. I had a 30 minute off mod until my next class. I searched for Macie, my one and only friend. She’d be in the cafeteria as always, on her laptop.

A Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell) FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now