Chapter 7

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From time to time I fell down behind Lotuz but he would always come back to get me back to my feet. We run blindly until everything is quite. We slowed down a bit until we finally stopped when we heard the sound of running water. I couldn’t believe it but I knew what I heard!

“Look, there’s a river down there!” and he was right. The small river looked dark and murky but it never looked better than I imagined. I realized as well that the surroundings were quite different than where we came from. There were trees now, all dead but tress nevertheless. I wonder where the demons lurk if not in the cage of the angels.

“Come! The water is cool!” Lotuz was already washing his feet as he sit on a smooth slab of rock. I pulled up my breeches as I joined him. My feet were aching and I could see the cracks and blisters through the seeping blood. We wore nothing on our feet but soft clothe shoes which could have passed for thick socks. Now these too were already tattered. Lotuz is right though, the water is cool and refreshing with each touch. I bathe my face and my wings, which again, I wished would vanish even for just a while.

We stayed there without any worries for a moment until we decided to look for a much better place to rest, where Ariz and Mina could finally find us. We ate some more of the small provision in Lotuz’ pack then went on to sleep under a hollow of a dead tree which resembled a great oak.

When we woke up, it was brighter than usual. I don’t see the red moon any longer and it was like the shadow of daybreak. Still, there were only two of us. It is possible that they couldn’t track us or could it be that they didn’t make it? I don’t want to think of such possibilities.

“You think we could make it to the ruins?” Lotuz asked. I merely looked at him.

“Shayne told me before about it. In the middle of it was a dark tower and behind is a great ocean. It is where they gather the suffering souls of the dead. I believe it is where the real hell is”

“Must we go there then?”

“I believe so. It is where we can find the gate out of here but Ariz is right. It will be the most difficult path. Don’t you think it is absurd that there is no help for us? You know what, sometimes I still pray to Him. Hoping that he’d hear my mortal soul”

I was astonished with this. I never even thought about it before. For me there are only mortals, the fallen angels, the demons and us who are neither any of those. Our angel, who arth in Heaven…holy by thy name…thy kingdom come….and I have purposely changed each prayers as I directed them solely to these so-called guardian angels.

I closed my eyes and pray for the coming of Ariz and Mina, and as I did, I heard the footsteps. Lotuz heard it too for he was already on his feet. We peered into the gloom and saw two shadows by the river bank where we bathed. There was a great mass of white lying on the slab and a girl is washing what appeared to be pair of wings. We ran to them without any second thoughts and as we got nearer, I saw Ariz lying on his back. His wings soaked in blood as Mina tried to wash it off. He smiled at us as we approached.

“Good to see you. Well, we were clever aren’t we?” he humored like he was not in pain. I could see the gash of wound across his stomach like it was from a sharp claw and the wounds on his wings were evidence of attacks from behind. He must have got it from protecting someone. It must have been Mina. With this I couldn’t stop my tears from falling. I felt helpless and I hated it. I couldn’t do anything but to caress the wounds like it would heal with my touch. Well don’t we have any powers like that at least since we existed to become prey?

I heard him laugh like he read my mind, or perhaps I have spoken out loud. Then he sat down and with painful efforts, let his wings vanished. The wounds there were now concealed but I know the pain will stay inside him.

“We don’t have much time left. Soon, they’ll hear what happened and guards will be doubled. There might as well be some sentry looking out for us and they already knew who betrayed them. I couldn’t protect you much longer”

“We were talking about the ruins a while ago. Are we going to pass there?”

He looked at me with a grim expression. “No if we could help it. But there might be no other way. I have good news though; I heard something from the soldiers. They were talking about a red-haired Nephilim being taken to the tower of insolence down yonder. I believe you knew her. She was brought to the same chamber where you came from.”

Cerise! She was alive after all! I saw that Lotuz was more delighted than ever. It was like a new vigor grew up inside him.

“The tower of insolence, is this the dark tower of the south?” he asked eagerly. Ariz nodded. Then that means, if we make our escape through the ruins, we might also take the risk of finding Cerise, she may be alive or dead.

“The ruins will be guarded like it wasn’t before but it is a good thing that the number of demons already depleted or else it will be much harder for us. Mina, you must be ready when needed. You saw what happened back there. Ten soldiers are not enough for one”

“I understand” Mina answered knowingly. I am beginning to think that Mina has a pact with the demons. But this was absurd.

 After wrapping up the wounds of Ariz with a makeshift bandage, we started walking again. We passed through what looked like a swamp with everything dead in it. The smell is far worse than the stink of the arena. Then we went up and down some more rocky slopes and it wasn’t long before we saw the clearing. In a distance is nothing but heavy fog but after a while, I could make out the shadow of a looming tower. It was surrounded by scattered fire and lava. As expected, soldiers here looked tougher than those we already met before. They were all angels on duty I perceived. Their white armor glistens and what appeared to be embalmed on their crest is the sword of Michael.

“They know mercy, yet they merely obey” Ariz warned us. I understand that what they obey is the rule that we don’t suppose to exist so mercy for us will be out of the question. I wished then that there would be other angels out there like Ariz who uses his stubborn instinct to disobey.

“From here on, we might be separated. The only way out is through the back door of the tower and we wouldn’t get there unless we could get in” he said as he huddled us up. I don’t really see how that would be possible. Death awaits us by the gate.

“You’re telling us then that we must get caught by them” it was Lotuz who spoke up. Ariz nodded.

“Be caught without any struggle. We’ll be thrown into prison instead of the sudden death without any accomplishments”

“But that is impossible! Once they kept us in locks there will be no more escape! How do we know that you haven’t tricked us?!” the thought of being kept as prisoner might have flared up inside Lotuz. His face was scarlet and his eyes now with full contempt at Ariz who was obviously surprised by the outburst. Without any other thoughts, he slapped Lotuz hard on the face which almost sent him to the ground. I was immediately on his side. Mina looked confused. She doesn’t know whose side she should stand. Ariz on the other hand was obviously mad with all these.

“Stand up Lotuz and hit me!” he gritted his teeth so as not to shout the words in case someone would hear us. Lotuz stood up and acted to do what he was told but before his knuckles could reach the wounded abdomen of Ariz, he stopped and just clenched his fist as he broke down to his feet.

“You have two other choices, it is either you go back from where we came from, or let me kill you all and stay the righteous angel that I am. The latter will definitely end your sufferings in an instant” he was now calm as he said this. I felt my tongue left me and it’s like I am only relying on the decision of Lotuz.

We stayed that way for a while until Lotuz stood up and motioned for Ariz to lead the way. I felt relieved. Ariz gave him a pat on the head then finally urged us to follow his lead as we walked through the clearing and approach the waiting fire.

Vespers (Fields of the Nephilim: Interlude)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon