Chapter 21

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Miki and I never spoke a word to each other as we took our journey on foot towards East. The road we took was such a sight. Corpses were tossed aside like they were part of the rocks itself. There were scavengers as well gnawing the remains; lowly demons of sort. They feed on the rotten flesh as well as souls of those still dying. I could see now the frightened expression of Miki and every now and then I could see how much he’d want to vomit due to the scenery. The angels with us walk past all these like they’ve been used to it for a thousand mortal years.

When we finally halted, we were in an ancient ruin of what looked like a dark fortress. There were black stones and granites everywhere. The columns were massive and there were scriptures on what remained of the walls. Angels in vermillion were everywhere. And I was relieved to see none of those familiar cages, but it is possible that they have their dungeons.

“So, where do you keep your prisoners?” I asked sarcastically when I finally saw the Cherub we once spoke with approaching us.

“Hush! We don’t have a prisoner here save for one” the angel holding me in the arm nudged me. I decided to keep my mouth shut until we were taken inside the remains of the fortress. We walked blindly down the tunnel until we reached a much wider room of sand and marble. As I was trying to adjust my eyes to the dim light coming from the torches, I heard Miki gasped. There in the shadows I saw Lune. He was bounded to a pole which almost appeared like a crucifix. His hair was damped and was covering half of his face. They dressed him in a robe of white fabric the better to see his blood seeping through.

“Arashi!” Miki broke away from those who hold him and run towards Lune. Desperately, he was trying to un-cuff him and nobody tried to stop him. I saw Lune moved his face up and opened his eyes. To my amazement, they were the same pair of green fire as when I’ve seen him high and mighty. I believe he even smiled in his usual sly manner like he was not tied there and almost set to be eaten by the scavengers. Then his eyes moved to where I was standing. I saw his lips moved to speak my name. Then one of the angels moved towards them to take Miki as he left a slap on Lune’s face. I saw how Miki struggled as I was silently praying for him not to. He was a rebel as much as Lune is and he is still as innocent as I was when I was first brought here.

To my horror, they dragged Miki to the other corner and snapped him into one of those cuffs secured to the wall itself. I tried to stop it but the angel beside me already had his hard grip in my arm. I tried to plead but to no avail. I was expecting them to restrain me as well with those chains but I was amazed when they left me standing there at the center of the room as they left one by one and soon locked the bars of the room.

There were only three of us left. Miki had finally stopped his struggles and just stayed there helpless. I didn’t know why they left me there with my hands free but I just thought it would be for the better, until I saw what they left there on the floor for me; it was my dagger. They couldn’t be asking me to kill them I thought. I was confused as I took the dagger. It felt cold and heavy in my own hand.

“Cien, what are they planning to do with us? You are not going against us, are you?” there was a hint of bitterness in Miki’s voice as he spoke. I looked at him and I thought of how so much human he looked like in that place. I didn’t know what to say. Helpless, I sat down the ground and just rest my head against the hard metal door, weighing the dagger in my trembling hand.

“They’re right, I was the one who killed your father,Cien. I was also the one who took your mother’s mortal life----“ it was Lune who soon broke the silence with his cold voice.

”---- I covered her face with her quilt pillow until she was almost running out of breath. And as she was trying to fill her lungs once more with air, I plunged the sword down to her chest, and since she was staring at me while she slowly dies, I plucked her eyes right out of their socket. And you were just in the next bedroom, kneeling before your bed while you pray…”

Vespers (Fields of the Nephilim: Interlude)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum