WTF Are You Doing In Here?!?

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-Shyannes POV-

I was awoken from my peaceful sleep by am nasty stench.

I opened my eyes and seen a pair of smelly feet in my face.

When I sat up to find the owner I felt two arms wrapped around my waist.

I skillfully unwrapped them, sat up.

Niall, Louis, and Liam were on my bed while Harry was on my floor.

"DA FAQ" me being me yelled and woke them up.

"No don't let the spoons get me" Liam screamed and hugged me.

"Who dares wake the SwagMasta of Doncasta from his peaceful slumber filled with unicorns, rainbows, butterfly's, and Eleanor" was Louis sassy response.

"NO TAYLOR DON'T WRITE ANOTHER SONG ABOUT ME" Harry yelled and hugged the pillow he had.

"FOOD" Niall exclaimed and shot up from the bed.

"Okay, boys will you explain why Louis feet were in my face, Harry was on the floor, Liam was sleeping on my stomach, and Niall's arms were around my waist" I asked while counting them on my fingers.

" OMG Shy-Shy is being serious" Louis said in a voice more girly than usual.

"Louis SHUT UP. Now Niall explain"

"What why me" he complained.

"You suck donkey balls at lying"

"Oh okay"

"Now, explain"

"Well we were woken up by crying and I guess Tori had a nightmare she went to Zayn and they were being all lovey dovey so we were grossed out and we came to your room layer down and when we were comfortable BOOM we were asleep" he said in one breath.

I then noticed the boys eyeing my waist where Liam was still latched.

He was shaking mumbling a bunch of different stuff.

All I could understand was "spoons" and "evil".

"Let me get this one last thing straight Niall was dreaming about food, Louis was, well he explained his dream, Liam had a nightmare about spoons, and Harry had a nightmare about Taylor Swift" I said in one big breath.

"Pretty much yes" Louis said, somehow with a straight face.

Everyone then busted out laughing.

"Hay, hay, boys, BOY" I yelled.

"Whatttt" they asked.

"Let's go wake the lovebirds" I said with a smirk.

(Authors Note)

------So how do you guys like it so far sorry ThingV isn't on much she is busy and school started yesterday so we'll be pretty busy and won't update as often but we'll try our best we love all our readers 1D4EVER


Thx peeps we love y'all

-ThingS ;)

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