dates and assholes

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-------2 days into the cruise-------------

--------------Harrys POV----------------------------

Okay, I feel like a total stalker.  

 Let me explain.

I've been watching a girl on the cruise,but I'm not the only one.

Niall has had his eye on this girl named reyna, shes pretty my girl, WOOOO.

mt homework bring all the asians to the yard theyre like it wasnt even hard

i could teach you but id have to charge

My pocket started buzzing.

Damn, i leave my phone alone for 5 minutes and Shy and Louis change my ringtone.

" 'ello"

'heyyy hazzabear" i heard a mischevious and proud shyanne say.

" heyyyy shy-shy lovin' the new ringtone"

"thanks but thats not what i called you about"

"well, what is it then" i asked coriously


"im sorry, who" i questioned

"you know dirty blonde, blue eyes, hyper, sings alot,the girl you stalk"

"ohhhhhh, duh"

"yeah you dumb durk-a-durk"

I heard laughing in the background and insantly knew niall and lou (hehe that rymed) were in there.

"wait a minute how"

"easy, waled up to her, told her she could win a date with harry styles for 5 bucks, and BOOM you got a date and i got 5 bucks"

"oh, cool"

"bye haz get ready you picking her up from room 16 in an hour"

"k bye"

---------------Nialls POV----------------

i seen shy-shy and lou sitting there looking into each others eyes.

i thought they were gonna kiss but instead they did something i didnt expect.

they both jumped up and started screaming, "BABY YOUR A SONG YOU MAKE ME WANNA ROLL MY WINDOWS DOWN AND CRUUUISE'

ha, lou cant rap so he cant do the next part so i guess neither can shyanne.

to my suprise she rapped all of it.

some dude walked up to them and said," Damn girl, you fine as hell and can sing, meet me at the resturant on the 4th floor, for our date tonight at 6"

"what date, asshole" shy and louis said at the same time.

"the one i just asked you on" he said in a duh voice.

shyanne and lou looked each other in the eyes and nodded.

shy-shy walked up to dude and whispered in his ear, 'no thanks, baby"

"ummm-uhhh-ummm"he stuttered. 

" yeah sorry i dot go for gay assholes" she said

then why are you near those fags all the time"

Shyannes eyes turned red and she walked up to him.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH ILL END YOU THOSE BOYS ARE NOT FAGS,GOT IT" when he didnt answer she screamed, "GOT IT" even louder.

"y-y-y-y-yes m-m-m-mam"

"now you may wanna change your pants theyre soaked now"

"o-o-o-okay miss"

he was cowering in fear.

"its alright, babe, hes had enough" lou whispered in her ear.

they started walking my way so i did the one thing i can do in this situation.

i said,"who needs soap operas when im near people like you guys"

then i laughed.

i hugged shyanne for standing up for us and thanked her over andover again, along with lou.

------PLZ READ DONT SKIP------------

how do you guys like it so far. wow we have 2,000+ reads thank you so much.

i wrote this secretly cause im grounded for yet another month. i have school. my grandmas been in the hospital 3 times in the past 6 days. my aunt just had a little girl. and more.

those are my reasons for not posting. idk what thing vs are.







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