3. The Night Feast

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They snuck into the back of the castle, Nessuya whispering for Domique to keep quiet. Domique, who didn't look forward to retreating back to his quarters, was more than glad when she started leading him away from the guest corridor. But anticipation crawled through him as he realized he would be alone with the princess in her own bedchambers.

The doors to her quarters were elaborate, with gems in the intricate designs of wood. A story seemed to be spelled out in a language he didn't know, but he still took time to appreciate the art work. Domique couldn't appreciate it for long do to him being ushered through the doors and pushed. Nearly tripping, he shot her a glare as she shut her doors as quickly but quietly as she could.

"Princess!" Came a voice, one that made Domique's heart plummet down. "And... Prince Domique?"

He looked to see a girl in a yellow gown looking down at him, confusion painted on her plain features. "Do not seem so surprised," Nessuya said, walking over to lock arms with him. "He is my betrothal after all."

The girl's eyes widened, causing Nessuya to giggle. Domique's neck burned from the implication of the sentence, but he kept himself from acting on his embarrassment. "Oh Lillia, I do not mean it. He's here because, well, because...." She trailed off, looking to Domique. "I'm not sure why."

Domique shrugged, "I just followed." He claimed, eyes wide.

"Well, I thought it would be fun." Nessuya stated firmly, turning to look at the grinning girl named Lillia. "And it was."

Lillia let out a squeal. "You snuck a prince into your quarters!"

Domique felt his blush growing, "Lady, I do not mean to interfere but-" His voice was ignored as Nessuya left his side and went over to the girl to squeal and jump around. He was left in confusion, watching helplessly as the girls cried out in excitement.

"If only the Empress knew," Lillia said, "You'd be in so much trouble."

"I know!" Nessuya exclaimed. "She'd finally come to speak to me in person! Imagine how mad she'd be."

Domique was confused. "What do you mean?" He asked, voice loud over them.

Both girls turned with wide eyes. Lillia's mouth formed an 'o', while Nessuya gulped visibly. "Well," Both girls drawled out, shooting each other looks. Nessuya fell quiet, and it was Lillia who spoke up.

"The Empress no longer sees to Nessuya like she once did. It would be a miracle if she came to see Nessuya, let alone scold Nessuya herself." Lillia explained, using hand motions as though it was an easy thing to understand.

But Domique did understand. "I understand, quite frankly." Domique stated aloud.

"You do?" Nessuya asked, head lifting from where she had been hanging it in embarrassment. "You don't just think I'm being childish?"

Domique laughed. "If I were to call you childish, it would be I were being childish as well. I fear that I tend to do things to try and anger my own father."

Nessuya looked with wide eyes at him, as though seeing him in a new light, while Lillia started smiling widely. "You two will have so much to talk about!" She all but squealed, before hurrying past him. "I must leave to prepare the feast for tonight, make sure he is gone within the half hour Nessie."

Nodding, Nessuya watched as Lillia left. Domique turned his head from the doors back to Nessuya. "What type of things do you do?" He asked, walking over to her.

She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Silly things like going to ride my steed unsupervised, or skipping a meal. Sometimes I go into the city without guards and dance with strangers, while others I simply don't let my tutor teach me."

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