Untitled Part 15

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"my name, is Remus Lupin, I am one quarter of the marauders and guardian of Saige Sirius Potter, daughter of Lily and James Potter, younger twin sister of Harry James Potter. I was indeed one of the boys she met when she went back in time and we grew very close very quickly, I stopped speaking to her during the lunch period because I was volunteered to aid her brother in the art of defence against dementors. I am now a wear of how upsetting these chain of events were for her and regret my action completely."

"oh my god! your one of the marauders!?!?!?! we found your map!" they practically scream at me and after that we spend the remaining time until curfew speaking and then I send them back to the tower and head back to the  hospital wing to visit Saige,

Saige's P O V,

I wake up in the hospital wing with Remus asleep in a chair next to me,
"Remus?" I whisper
"Remus, I'm bored!"
"Remus, what's the time?"
"what Saige?"
"I'm bored and I don't know what the time is..."
"it's 7:30  and if your so bored go back to sleep!"
"nooooooooooo Remus! come on, I need to go to lessons and so do you! gggeeetttt   uuuppp!!!!!!!!!"
"Saige, I don't have any lessons till after lunch and your not going to yours today either!"
"but why not Remus!" I whine
"because you practically had a mental break down last night and aren't mentally stable enough"
"ohh! but Remus!!" I pout,
"don't pout at me love, it's for your own good, we don't want you to get overwhelmed."
"you cant stop me from going if I want to!"
"yes I can Saige now go to sleep or I'll ask Poppy to give you a sleeping draft."
"I don't want to sleep, it's boring!"
"fine, I'll sleep!"
I wait about twenty minutes to make sure he's asleep before summoning my running clothes and leaving to the Quidditch pitch, and beginning my run.

twenty laps later, it's 8:45 and I'm running towards the hospital wing, hoping that Mooney is still asleep by the time I get back.
"hey Mooney..." I trail off awkwardly,
"don't hey Mooney me Saige! where were you?"
"the Quidditch pitch..." I mutter
"what, why were you there!?"
I was running on the Quidditch pitch."

he sighs and picks me up before laying me back on the bed and sending a patronas to Dumbledore asking to have the rest of the day off because apparently, I'm not trustworthy...
"you need to stop this Saige, it's not fair on anyone."
I love running and sleeping is boring though Remus!" he sighs and gives me a pointed look before handing me a potion.
I don't need any sleeping draft thank you Remus!""
"just take it Saige!"
"why? I don't need it and I don't want it!"
"Saige! its either this or St Mungo's, please just take it!"
"fine!" I huff, drinking down the small amount of potion in one mouthful...

Remus's P O V,

she finally agrees to taking the potion and swallows it down in one, suddenly, Saige is a dead weight on the arm I have on her upper back, holding her up. I lay her down on the bed just as Poppy walks back in,
"ah, you found her then Remus?"
"yea, she came back eventually!"
"may I ask where she went?"
"the Quidditch pitch, of all places!"
"what, why?"
"she was running laps apparently!"
"oh, okay then, she can go with you back to your chambers now, just keep an eye on her okay?"
"okay, thank you Poppy, "
"it's only my job Remus..."

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