Chapter 4: Out of the Ordinary

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A new day.

It was 7:30 in the morning when I reached Riverwood High and there were already lots of students around. The whole campus was filled with the same loud teenagers but one voice was louder than the rest.  

"Hey Saya!"

I turned around to look and guess who it was—yep, it was Hero. I was speechless as I watched him run towards me while loudly calling out my name.  I wanted to tell him shush but it was too late. Everyone else had heard him and when they turned their sights on us, they got startled and began talking about us.

"Morning Saya!" he greeted, smiling at me.

"G-good morning Hero," I greeted back, feeling a bit awkward with this new behavior towards me. 

All of the students couldn't stop whispering to one another as they watched us walk together to the main building for our classes. They really couldn't believe what Hero was doing; he was hanging out with the cursed gi—I mean gifted girl. Hero would always scold me if I referred to myself as cursed. Anyway, some students were afraid for him while some were furious. We became the talk of the entire town.

"Aren't you uncomfortable?" I asked him, "Everybody is talking about us."

He glanced at me and grinned.

"Nah—let them talk. They'll get over it."

"I don't know about that but no one might ever go near you again." I warned him. 

I had a bit of a scared feeling that if he realizes this, he might want to get away from me.

"It's okay," he suddenly replied, "All the company I need is you."

I don't know why but all of a sudden, my cheeks turned into a shade of red and I'm afraid he noticed it

"Why is your face turning red?" he asked, "Are you feeling alright?"

"O—oh yeah, yeah," I replied, smiling at him, "I'm fine."

Just then, the bell rang and all the students started dashing to their respective classes. Hero and I parted ways and headed to our own classrooms. I was right though; no one dared to go near him. They all just glared at him as if he, himself, was cursed. I felt bad about it but Hero didn't. He just kept walking as though no one else existed. He didn't mind them at all and before entering the room, he turned his head to me and winked. I guess that meant that he's got everything covered. With that, I too, entered my class.

Lunch came and we were temporarily dismissed. All of the students went directly to the cafeteria while I, on the other hand, had somewhere important to go to. Meters away from where I was heading, I heard another set of footsteps just right behind me. I turned around to look but no one was there. I decided not to mind it and continue on, but then, after awhile, it got really obvious that I was being followed. I turned around again and waited.

"Alright, who's there?" I called out, "You're not fooling me. Step out!"

A few seconds passed and finally, the suspect came out.


"Hi!" he said, raising his right hand in greeting. 

"Why are you following me?" I asked.

"Following you?" he snickered, "I was also going to where you're going." 

Ahhh, the same excuse again.

"You were also heading to the girls bathroom?" I grinned, raising an eyebrow at him.

He opened his mouth to defend himself but nothing came out. He sighed and shook his head in defeat.

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