Chapter 5: Close Call

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AN: "Sometimes the questions are complicated but the answers are simple." This is the chapter full of questions from Saya. But what exactly is happening to Hero? What is he doing? 

I went to school extra early the next day. I ate a hearty breakfast, had my long golden-brown hair neatly brushed and my school uniform well ironed. I enjoyed my walk for the first time and I didn't even care about the other people who were watching me. I did exactly what Hero told me to do and it felt great. Speaking of Hero, he was late that day and I didn't know why. I just figured that maybe it was because he was out on the field too late last night that he woke up late. Anyway, we spent the day together, as usual—breaks, lunch and of course, after class ended. We went to the same abandoned football field and hung out there doing absolutely nothing but chilling and talking. We then left the school grounds just as it was about to get dark.

"What a day huh?" I said as we walked along the streets.

"Yep! And tomorrow is another," he agreed in a yawn.

Just then, he stopped.

"Oh! I forgot I have something else to do. Do you mind if I go ahead?"

He seemed to be in a hurry and I wondered what he was going to do. I guessed it would be chores and other errands.

"Oh sure, go ahead," I said, smiling, "It's alright."

He grinned and saluted before he dashed away. I sighed and shook my head as I watched him disappear from my sight. What a silly boy... He was right though; tomorrow came quickly and it was one heck of a day. School got tougher and well, people were still cold to us; we just laughed it off. All we looked forward to was going to the field right after classes. We spent most of our time in the afternoon there and we made sure that we would never get caught. The weeks passed and things continued on the same. I was getting more and more curious though; every time Hero and I went home, he always rushed for something he said he had to do. I wondered what he was up to although he kept on saying that it was just errands. In the morning, he was always late. I was kind of worried but he told me to trust him so I kinda accepted that routine everyday for the past two weeks.

One big day, it all changed. School work flooded me that I didn't even have time to go the field. I explained to Hero that I needed to finish all of my work before the day ended and that he should go on ahead without me. I really don't know why, but he was happy about it. Anyway, I didn't have time to think about his reaction so I just went straight to do my work. I said to myself that I didn't have time to think about it but it really bothered me deep inside...what was happening to Hero? Has he grown tired of me? Maybe he couldn't take how the townsfolk treated him much more. I kept on reminding myself to trust him but there was a greater part of me that insisted that something was wrong. Oh Fate, how you tease me.

After 5 hours of long hard work, I had finally finished everything. I looked around and I noticed that it was already dark and no one seemed to be around the school anymore. I was thinking of whether to drop by the field or not but I quickly decided to just go home and call it a day. Night had already fallen and I was sure Hero went home already. I tiredly walked out of the main building and reached the school gate. I was on my way out when I stopped, hearing someone call me.

"Saya! Saya!"

I quickly turned around and saw Hero, running towards me.

"Hero?" I said, "You're still here?? But its almost 7!"

He bent down and tried to catch his breath first before answering me. It looked like he was really tired.

"Are you alright?" I asked, crouching down to check on him.

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