A Smile Of Affection - Chapter 21

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So I was watching the movie ‘Never Back Down’ today which has Sean Faris (Noah) in it. And OMG I drool every time I watch that movie. I think it has to be a favorite of mine! So if you haven’t seen it. I highly recommend that you watch it, it is amazing! Oh and Cam Gigandet stars in it as well for those of you who love him. Also I just found out that Sean Faris is 29 nine years old .. he looks to young to be that age haha. Ahwell. This chapter is only small. More of a filler chap I guess. Ill make it more exciting soon. So hold in there guys!

So here it is! :)

Re-cap of chaper 20

“Rachel.” He called out playfully “come out, come out, where ever you are.” He sung chuckling.

I clamped my hand over my mouth to cut out my giggling.

I heard as his footsteps crossed the cabinet, then faded out as he continued looking for me.

I took a risk my carefully opening the door to peep out. Phew his not there. I tip toed my way out and made my way back to the stairs.

Before my foot touched the first step of the stair. The front door swung open.


My breath caught and my grip tightened around the wooden pole of the stairs. My eyes were squinting through the now almost setting sun as I was trying to see a clear vision of who was walking in that door.

There is no possible way it could be my mum and Trevor, they were supposed to be gone all weekend.

The light dimmed as the door was closed shut behind them. That was when my vision back into focus.

And two shadowed figures stood before me.

“Do you always leave your front door unlocked when your home alone?” Gracey asked walking towards me with her date trailing behind. “Because im pretty sure i locked it before I left.”

“I .. uh ..um” my mouth gaped open and closed numerously not know what to say.

“Are you ok?” she asked slowly, looking at me sideways.

“Y-yeah. Fine. Just scared me, that’s all.” I told her, glancing around the room for any sign of Noah “What are you doing back here?” I asked looking back and forth between the two of them.

“Oh,” she pushed passed me and jogged up the stairs to, what I’m guessing, my room. “I left my wallet behind. I think I left it in your room.”

My eyes widened and i ran up after her. We both reached the top and I grabbed her hand “I’ll look for it! You go keep Mark company. I’m sure he doesn’t want to stand around by himself.”

She waved me off “He’ll be fine.” And continued for my room.

My chest tightened as she reached for the handle of my door. I closed my eyes and prayed he wasn’t in there, and that he heard Gracey coming in.

“Here it is.” She sung happily “Uh.. what are you doing?” she asked.

My eyes flashed open and landed on my best friend, standing by my bed looking at me strangely.

“Huh? Oh, sorry. Stomach pains.” I lied.

“Right…? How did you not see it?” she giggled “It was sitting right here, next to your phone-”

Ah crap!

“Wait. That’s not your phone?” she said picking it up, and twisting it this way and that, flipping it open.

A Smile Of Affection [Student/Teacher]Where stories live. Discover now