part 2!

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I stood at the doors of music room 3, Hikaru and Kaoru told me to visit here, could it have been just because I play music? I sighed, "better go in then." I mumbled to myself. I put my hand on the cold metal handle and pushed the doors open.
A swirl of flower petals flowed out of the room gently brushing against my face. "Welcome!" A chorus of voices said. In front of me there were 7 boys and god damn there all hot but one boy caught my eye more than the rest.
I already knew the names to the faces. The princely blonde, Tamaki Suoh. The cool tall raven haired, Kyoya Ootori. The naturally adorable brunette, Haruhi Fujioka. The devilish red headed twins, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. The blonde Lolita, Mitsukuni Haninozuka or 'hani' for short. Lastly there's the strong silent, Takashi Morinozuka or 'Mori' for short.
"Oh hey! It's (Y/N)! The twins said in complete unison, giving me a wave. I raised an eyebrow to the group.
Tamaki quickly stood up and walked over to me, " You must be the new student! (Y/N)!" He said excitedly. I gave a nod. He looked to me and put a hand on my face, "I never would have guessed that the young (L/N) would be so openly gay, so what kind of guy are you into?" He gave a sly smirk.
I sighed deeply and knocked his had away, "I'm only here because the twins asked me to come. " I said coldly. As soon as I spoke Tamaki went to mope in a corner "But.." I continued, tamaki looked over his shoulder at me, "I am bisexual." I winked at him and he sprung back to his 'normal' self. "So Tweedledee and Tweedledum, why did you invite me to the host club?" I sighed.
"Because dear (Y/N)~" Hikaru started
"We thought you would enjoy it~" Kaoru finished nodding his head to one of the host members. The two smiled mischievously. I knew they wanted me to join the hosts then. I turned my head to Kyoya, who had been silently frowning at me from the back of the group.
"could I stay? And watch the club today, possibly request someone?"
Kyoya gave a small smile, "certainly Mr.(L/N)"
I hopped table to table during the club activities, I moved away from Tamaki, who was doing the usual stuff. I took a seat with Hani and Mori.
Hani gave me a huge child like grin, "(N/N)-Chan!" He pulled on my sleeve, "Why do you have an eye patch?" He questioned. My smile subsided and I looked to the floor. Hani must have noticed because he quickly spoke, "You must be a pirate!" He exclaimed, I looked to him and smiled slightly, silently thanking him.
"Yarr! I be a pirate!" I said ruffling Hani's hair. All of the girls around me 'fangirled' and cooed.
I walked over to Kyoya, who had been watching the whole thing from his corner.
"Mr. (L/N)," he started to say.
"Please call me (Y/N)" I gave a soft smile.
He nodded, "so (Y/N), why exactly do you have that eye patch?" He asked, scribbling in his book.
I put my hand over my eye patch, just the thought of it bringing me to tears.

I looked up to see Kyoya looking at me with a small frown, not the usual one, this was different.

"I-I.." I tried to speak but couldn't bring myself to do so.

Kyoya stood and walked around the table to me.

"It's OK, tell me some other time" he whispered to me softly as he hugged me.

I nodded and he let go, mumbling something as he walked away.

Turning my head I saw the rest of the host club and a few girls looking at me.

"What was that about?" Haruhi asked.

I wiped my eye and gave a small smile, "it's nothing." With that I stood and left the room.

The New Boy (OHSHC X Male! Reader ) (BoyxBoy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora