Part 4!

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It had been about a week since the last time I went to the host club. I had introverted back into my old self. Quiet, alone and I pushed everyone way.
I walked into home room before the teacher arrived, sat behind the twins desk and just looked out the window.
As people filled the room I could hear the whispers starting up again.
"He's been like this for days now."
"Should we tell him about K-"
"No. We don't know how that freak will react."
"I wonder what exactly happend, the host club never told us."
"Would asking him-"
That was all I could take.
I stood cutting the girl off mid sentence and made my way to the door.
"If you insist on talking about me, make sure I can't hear you next time," I gave them a venom laced look, "or there I'll have to deal with you.." I said so it was only audible to the girls.
The twins and teacher had entered sometime when I was looking out the window and tried to stop me.
Kaoru grabbed my arm, "stop w-"
"I don't give a damn about what you have to say." I pulled away from his grasp. I started to walk away again when the teacher called to me, telling me to get back there. Continuing down the hall, guitar slung over my shoulder, I waved back to her, "No thanks." I called facing away so they couldn't see my tears.

I walked around the school and made my way to the maze, walking around it listening to my music till lunch.
Resting against the walls of the maze I got my guitar and started to play Wolf in sheep's clothing by set it off.

~~~Kyoya's P.O.V~~~

My mind had been in an emotional war with its self since that day. I think I know what he wanted to tell me, what I am supposed to know but I couldn't be sure. I had tried to approach him for days but I couldn't bring myself to.
So when Hikaru and Kaoru had said (Y/N) ran out of homeroom this morning I just had to look for him.
I had looked all over the building, only one place left to search, the maze.
Walking around the corner there was a faint voice singing from inside the maze
"Beware, beware, be skeptical
Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold
Deceit so natural
But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning
Bah-bah-black sheep, have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals?"
I'd recognize that beautifully smooth voice anywhere, it was him.
Running through the maze I saw him, the boy I never meant to hurt like I did.
As he finished singing I started to clap. His head snapped towards me, eyes widening as he realized it was me.
He abruptly stood, "S-sorry, I'll just go." He started to walk away.
Running to him I placed my hand on his shoulder, "(Y/N) wait."
He stopped walking and my hand fell down to my side.
Looking to the floor, tears welling in my eyes, "I... I didn't... I never meant to hurt you."
He turned to face me, my view was limited to only his black studded boots but I could sense the younger boy's confused expression.
I looked up to the boy, his eyes shimmering in the light.
"I shouldn't have snapped like I did. Please forgive me." I bowed in apology.
He let out a soft chuckle, gaining my attention, I looked up and his laugh became louder. A smile plastered on his face and tears in his eyes, (Y/N) pulled me into a hug, resting his head on my chest.
I hugged back smiling to myself. It all worked out in the end, I was so glad he didn't hate me, as my thoughts convinced me he did.
"Hey, Kyoya.." (Y/N) started, still holding him close I gave a low humm in response.
He pulled out from the hug and raised an eyebrow to me, "Why did your dad think I was a girl?"
I looked to him and gave a soft chuckle, "I never mentioned your gender so I guess he presumed you were a girl." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
Smiling (Y/N) nodded and grabbed my hand, "He really couldn't guess your gay?" He laughed.
My face heated up, turning a soft red.
I cleared my throat and adjusted my glasses, "It's the end of the day... Shall we visit the host club?" I said completely monotone, "this boy..." I thought to myself, looking to the boy next to me, the light of the sun making is (S/C) complexion glow, "This boy, might just be the end of me..."

So sorry this took forever! Shit went down and yeah. The updates will be delayed.

The New Boy (OHSHC X Male! Reader ) (BoyxBoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora