¬Chapter 3 |How it all started.|

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Somewhere, around the city, in a big house, more distant than the rest in the city.

"What do you mean, that someone survived?" An angry woman's voice was heard." It was pretty clear, even to the dumbest one out there, that everyone who was in that plane, was meant to die. All the family was supposed to die. EVERYBODY." the woman said in a harsh tone before adding." You're all morons. And it took you all those years to figure this out? Morons. I can't depend on anyone to do anything anymore. I'll figure out a way to do it myself." She said angrily as she hang up the phone, throwing it on the couch, as she ruffled the back of her hair with frustration as she was mumbling." Idiots. Fucking idiots." She said.  Angelica, was a girl, around 25, who has been involved into this business, ever since she was a little girl, and as pretty as her face may be, her heart and her actions are so far from that.  As she was storming around the house, angrily and clearly upset and dissapointed, her attention turned towards Eric, as she pointed towards him."You." She said, as her finger moved, telling him to walk towards her direction. Eric was caught by surprise as she turned to look towards her with a slightly comfused look on his face." Yes?" He asked, as he stood up from his seat to approach her, standing inches from her as his hands were inside his pockets." You will get it done." She said before quickly adding." You're propably around her age, so you will be the one to approach her, and get her exactly where we need, and then someone else will do the rest." She said in a bossy tone, not giving Eric much time or any time for that matter to protest or disagree." Okay.." Was all Eric said. Angelica smiled at him, with a smirk plastered on her lips, as he turned around to the rest of their crew, as she yelled." Get any details you can find for Isabelle Saprano. That goes for you, too, Palmer. Find everything you can." She said in a loud bossy tone, before walking inside her room. Eric turned to look at the rest of them, as he went to find the records, that they had saved about that case, the girl and her family, to find out more about her and that way figure out a way to approach her. After a lot of digging, he was able to find something, but not much considering that all the pictures in there were from a long time ago, and Eric had no clue what she looked like, but there were some places written down, in which Eric hoped he'd find her at. And that was when it all began. That night, Eric went home, and slept peacefully not knowing that the next day would be the one to change his life and faith forever.

The next morning, Eric had breakfast like he did daily with his parents, before leaving the house, and going outside a dance studio, that Isabelle had been seen in the past, with her mother and her nanny, hoping that he'd be able to find her, figure out what she looked like at the present day so the job that he had to get done, would be much easier.  And there she was. She was easy to recognize because she still had the same features, from when she was a little child, same hair, same features on her face, same expressions as the ones in the pictures. Yes, it was certainly her.

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