¬Chapter 11. |Jealousy.|

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Once Eric was out of the dance studio, and being too lost in his own thoughts, he did not realize, Dominic was there, following him, and reporting back to Angelica, about Eric's proccess on the mission. Not long after, Eric left, and Belle walked out as well, looking frustrated and mad, as she turned around, walking the opposite direction from Eric, and made her way home.

Once, Belle reached her house, she relaxed with a bath, and then sat on her couch, calling Rosie, who she spent a few hours on the phone with, telling her about everything that had happened and was happening. She finally admitted her feelings, towards the situation and towards him. Once she had let everything off her chest, and was finally a bit more relaxed, she was able to fall asleep.

Upon leaving, Eric didn't go straight to his house, but he had called Angelica instead and asked her to meet with him, so he could fill her in about everything in person." Plan is going well. Isabelle doesn't have many people in her life, except of a best friend, named Rosie, but they are not that close." Eric lied, as he bit his lower lip, adding." She's mostly either at the dance studio or at home." Eric said as he nodded. Angelica looked at him, as she paced around the room, before turning towards him to speak to him." Those are quite interesting details. Makes the job easier. But keep her close and find out more. Once your job is done, I will let you know.. For now, be gone." Angelica said in a bossy tone, as Eric nodded, and left, heading towards his house.

Once at the house, Eric was greeted by his parents, who had prepared a lovely family meal, since they wanted them all to have a family night, which was something that Eric was glad for, since he had missed that. Sitting down with them at the table for dinner, and then for a family movie time in the living room, was something that Eric had missed and was exactly what he needed to calm down and relax slightly, because he was stressed out and frustrated to the max for the past few days. Once the movie was over, Eric hugged his parents good night and headed upstairs to his room, where he took a quick shower, and then laid on his bed, falling asleep quite fast considering how tired he was.

The next day, Eric was up early, being out all day since his mother asked him to run some errands for her, and Eric gladly agreed to do so. He was done around 5:15 pm, and even though his lesson was not until 6, Eric decided to head there either way. Making his way to the dance studio, he walked inside, but stopped in his tracks, when he saw Belle and a guy, who Eric had not seen before, hugging and talking, giggling. He bit his lower lip, an unfamiliar feeling growing in his stomach. Jealousy. Eric ruffled the back of his hair, before coughing slightly to make his presence noticeable.

"You're early." Belle said in a harsh tone, as she looked at the watch on the wall, and then hugged Jonathan goodbye, who left, walking by Eric. Eric glared at him, before turning to look at Belle.

" I was in the neighbourhood, so I thought we could just get this over with, so we can both have more free time to spend our nights. Didn't mean to interrupt though." Eric said, as he let his bag down, and walked towards Belle. Belle shook her head in annoyance as she nodded.

" Let's stretch." She said in a bossy tone, as she started doing the usual exercises, Eric following her moves, trying to mind his own business, since Belle seemed to do so, herself. Once the exercises were finished, Belle walked to the stereo and turned the music on." Just follow my lead." She said as she simply started dancing, Eric looking towards her as he nodded and followed her moves, trying to keep up, the best way possible, but Belle wasn't gonna make this easy on him, since through the dance session, she always corrected him.

Once the dance session was over, Eric walked towards his bag, pretty fast, and put it on his shoulder." Yeah, thanks for the lesson.. Teacher." Eric mumbled, before turning around and walking out of there. Belle just glared at him as she sighed, once he was gone. This was so hard to do, when all she could think about when she saw him, was how much she wanted him, but if he was that way towards her, upon discovering that she may of had feelings for him, then she'd give him a piece of his mind, as well. It was only fair, after all.

What was pretty amusing, though, was the way Eric had judged Belle over her jealousy and the way she acted during it, but couldn't realize that he was now on the exact same spot, the unfamiliar and strong feeling in his stomach growing by the second. He kept his jaw clenched, glaring at literally everyone in his way. The image of Belle and that guy, now known as Jonathan, kept playing into his mind. He made her giggle, and smile, and her face was so bright, but the moment she saw Eric, the exact opposite happened, and there she was being all harsh on him. Not that he didn't deserve so after the way he treated her, but it did hurt his ego. He had previously lied about how close Isabelle and Rosie were only to protect them both, since Rosie was just as innocent as Isabelle truly was, but he didn't feel like doing the same with Jonathan. Eric wasn't a bad person, he never was, but right now, his jealousy was getting the best of him, even if somewhere deep down, he knew that there was a chance he was going to regret what he was about to do, big time.

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