Chapter Seven

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Karif held her tightly in his arms as they moved around the dance floor. One of her favourite pastimes lately. He held her so gently against him, yet his arms were so strong, and secure. They attended many functions. She was always at his side, dressed in the finest clothes, wearing his jewellery, and his signet ring. Keeping up the facade of being his betrothed that she did enjoy.

"Now isn't this better than fighting, habibti?" he asked softly against her ear, his breath warm against her skin.

"I guess so." Her fingers curled around his hand that held hers holding against his chest. "Be careful Sheikh, I could easily fall in love with you."

He laughed softly that warmed her to her toes. "That was part of the plan. Is it working?"

Her eyes shot to him to lose herself into his dark depth of passion that was only for her. Burning deep down into her sole. "Yes," came out in one breath. She could and had. She gulped as it struck her. "You did all this to make me fall in love with you?"

"Well that was a bonus, if that is true. I wanted you the moment you walked into my world." She melted against him before she swooned at his feet to hold him tightly.

"As a temp," she breathed. "Who would of thought I would fall for a sheikh or," she eyed him suspiciously. "You're just saying that to stay in my good books." She dared not quite believe anyone would take one look at her and want her.

Still holding her hand, he tilted her chin back with a caressing finger, so she had to look into his eyes, and held. "One look into those cognac eyes I was hooked. One swagger of those hips caught my attention. One soft word from those enchanting lips, captured my heart. So yes. I did want you to fall for me also, Miss Julia Sommers."

Her heart just melted to the pit of her stomach. Left wordless, blinking back tears to finally cough to clear her voice, past a huge lump in her throat. "So Tommy was correct, you wanted to date me. Could we sit down before I collapse into a heap at your feet?"

"Don't worry darling I have you." He held her against him as they barely moved on the provided dance floor. "I won't let you fall," he promised.

This time she couldn't hold back the tears that trickled down her cheeks. Lowering his dark head, he kissed away her tears. Now holding her in both of his arms to cradle her against his shoulder from prying eyes. "Don't cry. Please don't cry. I'm sorry," he whispered choked. She shook her head. He didn't understand. He took her breath away to throw her arms around his neck to hold him to her.

"I love you, Karif," she whispered.

"And this makes you cry?" he asked stunned.

"Yes and no. You... you make me so happy, so mad, and everything in-between. Take that as a good sign. Or I would've ignored you. Now can we sit down. We have completely stopped." She rubbed her face against his dark suit. Not a white robe, thank goodness, or he would be one smudgy mess with makeup. Although he would be, but not so noticeable. She eased back to search. Wiping fingers across. He glanced down to watch what she was doing.

"What are you doing now?"

"Checking for noticeable smudges. All good I think." She looked up into his dark eyes that gleamed at her. "Why did you have to tell me that here," she whispered.

"What about you?" He wiped at her smudged cheeks with his thumbs. "Come, we must see to that." Tucked under his arm, he walked her off the dance floor. She kept her head down, and face turned against him, hiding most of the damage done. Catching the attention of the hotel d'maître, they were shown to a private bathroom. Where Karif saw to her needs personally. Wetting a handkerchief, he wiped at her cheeks. Removing the smudged makeup while been watched in awe. "Would you stop looking at me like that or I would have to kiss you." She kept staring at him. Taking her face into his hands. He lowered his dark head to cover her parted lips with his own. Dropping his hands, he gathered her against him. Her arms went around his neck to hold him against her. Also keep herself upright, smudging now her lipstick. Easing back Karif looked down upon her beloved, adorable face to run his fingers across her lips. "Did you bring any makeup?"

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